Who got a chainsaw?

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Tiana pov.

"What!" Nathan yelled when we told him the news.

"That's not.... h-how? We did everything right!" He cried out as he threw a coffee mug at the wall.

Damn these people really need to invest in plastic!

"Who did it!" Nathan barked as he clenched his jaws. 

"Jack." I said.

Everyone looked at me shocked, but my gaze was fixed on Nathan who looked tense then went back to normal.

"That's bullshit Tiana... h-his dead." He said waving me off.

"His not dead I saw him!" I yelled as I stood up.

"What! Where?"

"In Rome." I sighed as I eyed Alvin and Vicky who gave me a warning glare.

"Shit." I muttered under my breath.

"Tiana did something happen in Rome that you're not telling me about?" Nathan questioned as he eyed me.

I sighed as I nodded. "I got kidnapped." I said looking down.

"What?" Nathan whispered as he stepped closer to me placing his hands on my shoulders.

"I'm so sorry I fucked up the plan Nathan." I said not daring to look Nathan in the eye. Normally I don't feel bad for things like this but knowing I messed up a chance to make things right in the world is really hurting me.

You still believe this is for the world?

My subconscious asked me.


"Hey look at at me." Nathan said placing two fingers under my chin and slowly lifting my head as he stared at me. "You didn't mess up the plan... that crystal will just have to be a minor bump in the road." He said smiling.

Damn that smile!

I softly smiled back at Nathan. Nathan leaned in as he placed a soft kiss on my lips.

"Hey no PDF!" Brandon yelled.

I burried my face in Nathan chest trying to hide the fact that I'm blushing.

I hate feeling this way! Especially for him!


Bambi pov.

"Bam you alright?" Caroline asked me as she sat down next to me with two mugs in her hands.

"Yeah.... it's just why would she leave us?" I asked.

Caroline shrugged as she handed me the one mug. "Magic dick?" She muttered.

"What?" I asked with my eyes wide.

"Nothing." She smiled widely.

I shook my head as I stared at my best friend. "I feel betrayed." I pouted as I took a sip of the delicious hot chocolate with mashmellow in.

"We all do." Cally said nudging my shoulder slightly.

"But she's my sister! She's not suppose to do this to us!" I said getting mad.

"I practically raised her and Colette! Do you know how hard it is to raise Colette!" I yelled.

"Bitch calm down." Caroline said calmly. "And not to judge but you did a horrible job and raising your twin sister." She said as she took a sip from her hot chocolate.

I chuckled lightly as I looked at Cally. "I just miss her but at the same time I wanna rip her head off and us Cody's powers to bring her back to life!" I groaned.

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