Fallen Apple.

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Colette pov.

"What?" I asked with disbelief.

"Its the only way C. She made her choice now we making ours." Bambi said.

"But this isn't right she's our sister for Christ sake!" I yelled.

The group more like Bambi, Zack and Cody have came to terms that we gonna kill everyone no survivors on Nathan's team.... meaning we gonna kill our sister to.

"Colette, Bambi has a point." Caroline cut in.

"And the demons?" I asked.

"We will deal with them later." Cody said.

I ran my hands threw my hair. This was getting all to much for me. Am I the only one who still thinks there's still alittle bit of good in Tiana?

"Colette." Cody said reaching his hand out.

"No!" I yelled my voice breaking in the end. My eyes welled up with tears.

"Colette why are you being such a girl about this?" Bambi asked.

My chest pained as everything around me began to fade. I needed to get outta here.

"Colette are you ok?" Cole asked.

I didn't answer as I stumbled my way out of the room, ignoring the calls for me I tried to look for a window. I'm sorry guys.


Bambi pov.

"Aaaaarrrrggghhhh!" I grunted in annoyance.

Why is my sister so hard headed!? We need to attack fast before the demons come.

Cody stormed in looking pissed. "I swear I'm so fucking close to breaking that door down if she dosent open it now!" Cody growled.

"Hey calm down bro." Zack said patting his back.

"Yeah dude we can't get kicked outta this hotel.... it's to nice here." Ethan said slumping on to a honey Brown leathered sofa.

Cody rolled his eyes in complete and utter annoyance.

"Bro you need to relax we will deal with Colette later... right now we need to figure out how we gonna sort this matter out with Nathan and his bag of pricks." Zack said patting Cody on the back.

Haha bag of pricks... good one.

"Guys we got a problem." Ian said tapping his tablet.

"What?" I asked placing my hand on my hip.

"They froze everything." Ian said panicked.

"Oh for the love of..." I yelled but got cut off when a video if Nathan popped up on the tv screen.

"Hello toys." Nathan smirked out.

Toys? That prick on a stick is so... hehe prick on a stick good one.

"What do you want Nathan." Zack asked annoyed.

"I just wanna say tha..." Nathan said but got cut off when a girl with pale pink hair walked past him. She had a bottle of gin attached to her lips.

"Seriously Tiana!" Nathan yelled frustrated.

"What?" She barked.

"I'm in the middle of something." He said gesturing to the screen.

Tiana looked at the screen, when she saw us her smile widened.

"Heeyyyyyyy sistaaaa." She slurred.

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