Heart attack

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Bambi pov.

"Bambi wake up!" Kim whisper yelled as she shook me softly.

"Mmm." I groaned. What could she possibly want from me to wake me up so early in the morning?!

I turned my head to see Zack still asleep. Like what the fudge cake atleast wake him to!

"Chase." She said but stopped.

"What he do now!" I whined.

Kim shook her head her gorgeous blue eyes filled with sorrow. "Kim what happened?" I asked

Kim stood still tears flowing down her cheeks. "Kim!" I yelled shaking her arm making Zack groan in the process.

Kim looked at me and finally said. "Chase is dead."

"What!" I Asked now sitting up making Zack groan then turn to his side.

I rolled my eyes and got out of bed. "What happened?" I asked once we neared the body.

"We don't know... we found him by our room door." Bryce said running his hands threw his hair.

I examined Chase bloody body, he looked almost unrecognizable. Who ever did this was really torturing him.

"Oh wow." I said staring at Chase's corpse. "Who the Fuck put him on the couch!?!" I half yelled.

"I put him there Bambi!" Caroline yelled tears filling her eyes.

"Dude no why? We sit on that couch." I said disgusted.

Caroline scoffed and walked into the room Cole following her like a love sick puppy. "Wow what's her deal?"

Bryce shrugged as he turned on his heel and walked back to his room.

Wow ok so I get woken up for nothing!? Colette and Cody aren't even here! Like common! Seriously.


Tiana pov.

"Wow he did that?" I chuckled as Chace nodded his head with a huge goofy smile plastered on his face.

Chace and I are like the best of friends now that I know his gay. We are currently at a cafè talking about how Nathan almost lost a fight to a 10 year old. 

"So when you seeing him again?" I asked Chace staring down at my Irish coffee.

"Who, Bryce? I'll be seeing my lover soon." Chace said with dreamy eyes as he took a sip of his non fat what the actual Fuck low skeem mocha lattè.

"I don't understand how you people drink that stuff." I said looking at Chace disgusted.

"Baby girl not all of us are alcoholics like you." Chace winked as he took another sip.

"Bite me." I chuckled dryly as I rolled my eyes.

"Tiana are you okay?" Chace asked his gaze now serious.

"Yeah why?"

"Because your alcohol intake is more then a freaking sailor." He said, his eyes full of concern.

Chace was right I have been drinking alot latley and its because I need something to get my mind off of Ian and my sister's. My heart aches every time I hear their name.

"So I've been drinking who dosent in this day and age." I said rolling my eyes and taking a sip of my spiked coffee.

"Wow." Chace said rolling his eyes.

"Shut up!" I barked.

"Calm down chicka banana." Chace said patting my arm. "Common talk to me what's bothering you?"

I sighed and shook my head as I took another sip. "It's Ian? Isn't it?" Chace asked with a small smile.

Oh his good.

"Girl I'm gonna be honest with ya." Chace said while placing a hand on my forearm. "You were stupid to leave that fine piece of ass." He began then looked at his drink and took a long swig from it. "I mean if I wasn't with Bryce guuuurrllll I'll be all over that." He winked.

I blinked at him once.... twice..... three times.

"Okay I need something stronger than this to deal with you." I said lifting my cup and pointing to it.

Chace laughed out loud as he shook his head.

I hope Ian can forgive me after all of this is over.

I sighed as I stood up. "Let's go Pensacola." I said extending my hand out. Chace rolled his eyes as he took my hand.

Chace phone rang, he then rolled his eyes when he saw who was calling. "Nathan." He said annoyed.

"Yeah." He answered so dry.

"Got it we on our way." Chace said, putting his phone back in his pocket.

Chace did a dramatic sigh as he grabbed my hand and lead me out the door.

"Dude what the fuck?" I asked.

"Miami remember." Chace said annoyed.

Oh crap I forgot about that.

"What we gonna do there anyway?" I said rolling my eyes.

"Ask Nathan." He scoffed.



"Nathan ya piece of shit!" I Yelled when me and Chace entered and saw alot of wires hanging off of the ceiling.

"Oh baby I love it when you get trashy." Nathan smirks.

Lord how I will drop kick his massive arrogant A-hole.

I fold my arms with a permanent snarl on my face. "Woah relax there hun, common we're leaving." He said grabbing my arm and leading me outside.

"Where are the others? And what's with the wires?" I asked.

"They already left for Miami and we bombing this mother." He says oh-so-proudly.

What's with these people and bombing places?!

"When your sister's arrive hopefully they will trigger the alarm and boom!" Nathan smiles.

"Can I slap you.... like please may I?" I asked staring deep into his gorgeous grey eyes.

Nathan rolled his eyes as he walked out. Chace laughed as he followed him.

"You're such a bitch." Nathan states.

"Well bitch is my middle name." I smiled at poked his cheek.

"I thought your middle name was Betty?" Chace asked scratching the back of his head.

"Boy I will drop kick you right now!"

"Relax Betty." Nathan said shaking my shoulder.

I felt a vibration go off on my thigh.... what the hell!? My hand instantly dropped to my thigh and I felt my phone in my jean pocket.

Oh right I got a phone.

I pulled it out to check the message. It was from an unknown number.

Unk: be careful for who you trust in night  falls upon those who despise him. ;)

Errr what the Fuck does this mean and who the heck is this!

Me: bitch who is you?

I typed on my phone, the number took less then a minute to reply.

Unk: Be patient for all will fall into place.

What the hell does that mean?


Hey guys mythicalbadcreture here omg sorry for such a long update but any who I hope you enjoy this chapter and if I had to make you re-read this book sorry i hope you enjoy it.

Stay creaturetastic

Love you

Creature out✌

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