Tristan Says Yes

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"I will do it," Tristan said.

A sense of relief came over the two Agents though none of this showed. Instead, they stood, Keller buttoning his suit jacket.

"We leave in two hours," he said. "We will have a car sent to your house to drive you to the airport. You have exactly one hour to gather what things you may need. Once on the plane, you will be debriefed on the situation."

Owens donned a pair of sunglasses. "It goes without saying that what you are about to do is to be kept secret. No one must know what we have asked of you."

Tristan nodded. The two agents left, slipping into the crowd disappearing as if they had been merely ghosts. But they had been real and now Tristan's life was set on a course that he never could have imagined. Leaving his coffee to cool in the fall breeze, he headed back to the house. Though his mind whirled with the future that now lay before him, Tristan was calm. There was very little in life that could rattle him.

The noise of city quieted to a low hum as he climbed the stairs and stepped into the old brick house. Light from high windows tumbled into the foyer, spotlighting motes of dust that hung frozen in the air.

As Tristan walked to his room he sent off texts, changing dates and sending Ryan to fill in for him. He pocketed his phone and grabbed a suitcase from under his bed. Flipping the top open, he began to fill it with what he imagined he would need for such a task.

He was in the middle of placing a pair of orange pants on top of a gold jacket when two shadows slid across the floor.

"Kill a man?" Elliot asked, Tristan.

"Insult Ms. Newett's new hairdo?" Cece asked.

The two sisters were leaning on opposite sides of the door frame, their arms crossed. Tristan didn't bother looking around.

"No," he said.

The girl exchanged a look, then stared back at him.

"Liar," they said together.

Ignoring them, Tristan continued packing. Knowing they would get nowhere with his back to them, they crossed the room and plopped onto the bed.

"Why won't you tell us where you're going?" Cece asked.

"Are you in trouble?" Elliot asked.

"Did you finally realize that Boston doesn't have any attractive people and you're leaving?"

"Did you forget to pay off that biker gang?"

"Did you sleep with Pacho's daughter and leave her broken-hearted?"

"Did you steal from the mafia?"

"Did you ride an elephant in the Common again?"

"Did you reveal you're actually Edema Ruh?"

Finally, Tristan looked at his sisters and the tirade of questions stopped. Their faces were expectant and Cece leaned forward, propping her chin on her fists. Despite their annoyance, he was sorry to have to be leaving them. They would have come in handy. He was positive an assassin would shoot themselves willingly after spending time with the two of them. Still, they were family.

"I'm going to New York to attend a ballet gala where I will stop an assassination attempt on the President," he admitted.

The girls looked at each other and then slid off the bed.

"Fine, don't tell us," Cece said leaving.

"Hope your flight attendant brings you the wrong drink and a bag of nuts that explodes in your face," Elliot called out as she walked away.

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