The Doorway

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"I'm sorry," Tristan said, "but I'm positive I've spotted Victor."

A burst of annoyance sounded in Tristan's ear but he didn't listen to it, already pulling the door open. A narrow alley that stood directly behind the stage stretched out before him. The space was dim and ropes and pulleys lined the walls, casting strange shadows on the ground.

Music pulsed around him. The thrum of feet beating in time vibrated beneath his feet. At the opposite end of the passage was an archway that led to the opposite side of the stage. Through that archway, Tristan saw the flutter of a black hood disappear. 

He hurried forward, still blocking out the agents' outcry that were ringing in his ear. He had just closed the distance between himself and the arch when a ballerina popped up out of nowhere. In the dimness, her pale pink tutu seemed to glow. When she caught sight of Tristan her face broke into a look of shock and wonder.

"You're Tristan McKenzie," she said, her voice breathless with excitement.

"So I've been told."

Tristan made to move around her, but she sidestepped with him, blocking his way.

"I have to tell you I am your biggest fan," she gushed.

"I'll take your word for it."

Again he tried to dodge her but all the years of being a ballerina seemed to be on her side and she intercepted him again.

"When I heard that I was going to be able to perform your work tonight I was out of my mind excited." She placed her hands on her heart, moving with Tristan as he shuffled to the side. "It is the highest honor to bring your work to life."

"Tristan," Owens said. "If you believe Victor is there neutralize this girl and go!"

The thought of knocking out the girl came to his head but he went for the second best thing. The girl was opening her mouth to continue her tirade on the amazingness that was Tristan when he took her face in his hands and kissed her. He quickly pulled away, but the act had done its job, the girl was stunned speechless. Using the advantage he darted around her and ducked into the archway.

"Well, that's one way to neutralize a civilian, I suppose," Owens said.

The sight before him sent a flare of irritation through him. There were crewman and ballet dancers but no sign of Victor. There was a doorway up on the right that read exit and a ladder to the left that led to the scaffolding and lighting walkways. The music expanding through the theater rose as the crescendo built.

"The doorway on the right leads to the private boxes," Owens said. "He could be trying to get a shot from across the way."

"The scaffolding gives an advantage as well," Keller said.

"Great," Tristan said, "two options. Any idea which one Victor would take?"

Silence was all that responded to Tristan. He could imagine Owens and Keller debating which choice Victor was most likely to take. When the answer didn't come fast enough, Tristan knew he would have to decide or he would lose just the same.

The exit or the scaffolding?


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