Pea Coat

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Tristan reached for the pea coat but paused remembering he needed to text Hope. Spinning around, he grabbed his phone and sent off a text. The reply was quick and flirty. Trying not to let his smile go beyond the corner of his mouth, Tristan took the pea coat down and slid his arms into it. The coat was like an old wine, only growing better with age.

Pocketing his wallet, he headed downstairs. The soft inflection of voices came from the kitchen. As he reached for the door, his sisters called out to him.

"Remember if you see red dots on your chest, drop," Elliot said.

"Know that we can forgive you for whatever you're being blackmailed for," Cece said. "Well, within reason. If you ate my ice cream we're done."

"I'll keep it in mind," Tristan said.

Outside the night was cool but winter had yet to lay claim to the city. Freckles of stars dusted the sky's face. Street lamps glowed, dispersing the darkness. As Tristan made his way through the center of the city, noise crashed around him.

Doorways were flung open as men and women converged, huddling together for warmth and a sense of camaraderie. The smell of pizza, alcohol and cigarette smoke wafted through the air. It was a smell of good times and lively conversations.

Tristan stopped before a gray building that was smashed in with others just like as if they were a couple of school girls giggling together. As he went to buzz Hope's apartment, someone stepped out and he decided to slip in.

Climbing the bowed wooden stairs, he felt a sense of nerves creep in. Annoyed with the weakness, he forcefully shoved them away and straightened his shoulders. He knocked and then waited.

Behind the door, someone called out and a second later it was opened by a girl with brown hair in a pair of leg warmers, tights, and a loose shirt. When she saw Tristan, she blinked once in shock. Sensing her growing excitement, Tristan offered her a small reassuring smile. It did not work in his favor.

"Oh my gosh you're Tristan McKenzie," she said, her voice rising in volume with each word. "I mean like the real Tristan McKenzie."

"Yes," he said. "Unfortunately, my doppelgänger was unavailable for this evening."

The girl just stared at him stunned, like she was still trying to wonder how Tristan was standing at her door.

"You would send a doppelgänger to our date?" Hope asked, appearing behind her roommate.

Tristan had to smile, she looked beautiful. Her black hair fell over her shoulders in loose curls, her light makeup accented her face and she wore an outfit that reminded a person that she was truly a woman. At the smile, Hope gave a flirty wink.

"You know what they say," she said, "dress to impress."

"Impressed," Tristan said.

Hope's roommate seemed to come to her senses then and glanced between the two of them.

"This is your date?!" she squeaked.

Humming in agreement, Hope put on her coat, collected purse and slipped out into the hallway. She smiled up at Tristan.

"Shall we?" she asked.

He held out his elbow and she took it.

"We shall," he said. He glanced back at her roommate. "It was a pleasure."

As they headed down the stairs, Hope chuckled.

"I highly doubt it was a pleasure, but you're a gentleman for saying so."

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