Leather Jacket

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Deciding, Tristan snatched the leather jacket off the hanger and pulled it on. It was warm, soft and fit him well. Tucking away his phone and wallet, he left his room. He descended the stairs and reached for the door. From the kitchen, he could hear the patter of conversation. Suddenly it broke off as if they had heard him.

"Don't die," Cece yelled. "And don't give in!"

"Remember," Elliot added, "the longer you hold out during the torture means we have a better chance of finding you!"

"Noted," Tristan said.

Outside night was washing out the sky and pinpricks of stars could be spotted. Blue lights flashed from neighboring windows and businessmen hurried indoors to drink off the days work. Tristan was heading towards the Common when he realized in the storm of Cece and Elliot's talk he had forgotten to text Hope.

Pulling out his phone, he typed out a message. He paused at the street corner and someone mentioned their liking to his jacket. Looking up, Tristan acknowledged the statement with a nod, then returned to his message.

He was still in the middle of choosing the perfect wording when someone knocked into him. The surprise and force of it sent him staggering into the street.

An explosion of light hit him just before the car did. He collided with the ground and his head struck a jagged edge.

There was a screech of tires and shouts of alarm. But Tristan barely heard it. The world was darkening around the edges and coldness was creeping into his limbs.

He tried to speak but the words wouldn't come.

As the world faded around him, one last thought crossed his mind.

"I should have listened to Elliot and gone with the pea coat."


Oh my! 😱

Well, that is a tragedy, isn't it! I must say that was a bit of a surprise! Don't fear though you can rewrite the story! Jump back to the decision and make a different one! You still have time to stop this from being true! Hurry, hurry,

(Side note this can all be blamed on my sister JoymomentsSISTER cause she really wanted to have Tristan die in this timeline, so I said yes and wrote it. But don't worry as always you can change the timeline and save him!)

But wait, spare a second to vote, comment, follow!

But wait, spare a second to vote, comment, follow!

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Gotta save Tristan! Gotta change the timeline!

(I can only hear this to the rhythm of Hamilton, 'gotta get back home, gotta meet my son')

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