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*Hadrian pov*

"Draaaaccccooooooo?" I whined
"Yes, haaaaaaarrrrryyyyyy" he whined back
"Can I take you to hogsmead?" I asked
"Nope" he said popping the p
I backed him into the wall slowly and slowly sucked amd nipped his neck, he was instantly a moaning mess,
I stopped and looked at my art work (two maybe three obvious hickies)
"Hogsmead?" I asked him
"No" he whined
I stepped towards him again
"And why not?" I asked
"Because you just asked In the least romantic way possible, wait did you just..." He said pointing at me then pointing at his neck
"Now everyone knows your mine" I said kissing the other side of his neck
"HADRIAN RIDDLE?!!!" He sorta yelled sorta screamed "what if your mother sees?"
"Ugh.... Didn't think that far, glamour?" I asked
"Never mind" he moaned
"Hogsmead?" I asked, third times a charm
"Fine" he said grabbing my hand and leading me toward the great hall
When we reached there, all of our friends looked at Draco's neck, his eyes and then me, most smirked, some tutted, others just smiled and looked down,
"Will you quit it!!" Draco said standing up
"Babe, what's wrong" I asked standing beside him hugging him
"Get off!" He said pushing me away
I let go but kept a hold on his wrists
"What's wrong draco?" I said in a sternish voice
"Can we go back to our room please?" He whimpered lightly
"Tell me whats wrong and then sure" I said
"Can we please just go to our room?" He said
"No, what's wrong?" I said
"Everyone is staring!" He said "can we go now?"
"Yes" I said dragging him towards our room
When we reached there he went to have a shower and came out wearing hogsmead clothes
I changed quickly
Hugging him and giving him a peck before we left for hogsmead
We walked down hand in hand and walked to zonks
Draco got one of those fluffy things in green (slithie) and insisted i got the silvery blue one (dragon)
We got both (only cause he wouldn't shut up about them) and went to the three broomsticks
"Draco" I whispered to him,
"Mhm" he mumbled back
"You ok, after earlier I mean" I asked
"Yeah, you know veelas?" He said softly
"Mhm, what about them?" I asked confused
"Well some submissives, well we need rules and...." He trailed off
"Your one of these submissives" I said pulling him into me even more
"Y-yeah" he said burrying into my shoulder
"Well talk about it when we get back to our room ok?" I said pulling him out of my shoulders and kissing him
Once we broke apart he whispered ok and we spent the rest of our hogsmead chatting about nothing and everything
When we got back we put everything away, placing the fluffy things in a small house thing draco magiced up and draco sat on my lap and me on the bed
"Dray" I whispered to him after a second of embracing him
"Yeah?" He whispered back
"We need to talk about what you said earlier" I said leaning against the wall "when and how did you find this out?"
"Last week in the library" he muttered
"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" I said pulling him closer
He didnt answer only looking down whimpering
"Hey, baby don't be sad I'm not angry just upset you didn't tell me when you found out" I said bringing his chin up with my fingers
He had tears running down his face and was struggling to say words so I pulled him into me and kissed his forhead rocking us gently, his sniffles turned into small whimpers and hiccups and I pulled him away from me, i kissed his lips
"What sort of rules are there then?" I asked
"L-loads, some are to do with how I act in public and private, some to do with what I can or cant do and what I have to do" he answered
"Well what sort or rules do you want?" I asked rubbing his back gently
"I don't mind" he whispered.
"How about no candy?" I joked
He looked at me mortified and I started to laugh
"Baby I'm joking" I said and he frowned and hit me gently "how about you always sit on my lap in public, no bad language, you never call someone names or dislike them because of blood status or family name, always try to have three meals a day and 8 hours of sleep, never open our door on your own and finally tell me if something is upsetting you or bothering you, yeah?"
"Y-yeah" he said
"And let's sleep"

Its been a month since we went to hogsmead, and I'm taking draco to hogsmead again next week, I've taken him places In the castle on weekends we can't go to hogsmead, last week we went to the ROR (room of requirement) and we had a fancy(ish) meal and danced afterwards to some weird music that happened to be there, the week before I took him out to the lake for a picnic, and the week before the astronomy tower for a bit of stargazing.
Ive also gotten him some gifts he seemed to enjoy, like a bracelet, a box filled with different sweets, a snake stuffie and a music ball box, you place little ball things in it and it plays the song on the globe thing.
Today we have lessons though, but its Friday so only a few, potions first, free lesson then care of magical creatures.
Mother had already teached us everything necessary for potions and hagrid was 'ill' so we basically had no proper lessons today.
"Had?" Draco asked from beside me
"Yes baby?" I asked looking at him
"Someone's at the door" he said pointing at the door
"Ok" I said standing and going to the door,
I opened it and saw mother so I let him in,
"Hadrian, draco how are you?" He asked sitting on the bed were draco was sat
"Were ok proffesor" draco said softly
"Good" he said
"Your not my mother?" I said
"What? Of course I am!" The mistery person said
I hinted subtly for draco to came over to me and he did so, I gently pushed him behind me
"You don't sound like mother, your slouching, mother can't stand it when people slouch, mother always waits for someone to tell him to sit unless its in his class, he walks with grace and is always trying to get draco to call him severus, you are not my mother, who are you?" I said
Another knock sounded the door
"Stay" I ordered them and went to open it
It was my mother
"Mother, perfect timing, come In come in, and do sit down" I said ushering him In.
"Hadrian? What's going on?" He said sitting on my couch looking at the copy of him who was sat on my bed "who is this?"
"No idea, maybe we should call father?" I suggested
"No he'll go mental, you don't want draco to see that, Go to the great hall, if I'm not there in an hour call your father, I'll speak to you after potions" he said
I dragged draco to the great hall and sat down, him sitting beside me, I quickly dragged him onto my lap.
"Naughty" I whispered into his ear
"Sorry" he whimpered back
I piled some food onto his plate and he quickly dove in, me following

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