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Hadrian pov

Since Draco's considering the option of him and some of the other submissives going to a different country, a peaceful country for the war, I've contacted the marked circle and Cedric for a meet up with their mates, it's a perfect opportunity to introduce the option to anyone that it hasn't been offered to aswell as anyone who is definetly going and definitely won't be.
We'll make plans, half way through the meeting draco will join us as well as both of our parents and father's close inner circle (aunt bella, Mr crabbe, Mr goyle, Mr greengrass and Mrs zabinni)
Though I am not the happiest about mr greengrass I know he is a vital part for our side of the war, wether I like it or not. Though if he, or his daughters touch draco in any way they're dead, father granted me this but they have to make the first move.
We decided to meet in my family manor for safety.
Draco and I will be moving there once the babies are old enough to leave alone for more than a few minuits.
They will share a room at first however when they have their second birthday they will each have their own separate rooms, they will decide on colour and that but draco will design them and I will be building them.
I kiss draco goodbye and apparate to the manor.
"Binky" I call for the head houself
"Yes sir?" She asks dressed in a lilac dress
"That dress looks wonderful on you, I see father truly is regaining his sanity, prepare the guest room for my circle please" I ask
"Thank you sir, I believe so and of course" she said apparating away
After father regained his sanity he trained all his house elves to talk and socialise with wizards, he's teaching them several things like history and how to read and write. Whilst mother is teaching them other useful things like sewing, knitting and cooking without magic, he always has believed that a job well done was done without magic and that if you can do it without then do it without.
Aunt cissy and aunt bella have similar views whilst lucious agrees that a houself should be able to use proper grammar.
As long as father isn't forcing anyone to murder or torturing anyone he can do as he wishes, wether that is teach houselves English and history or gambling with goblins, well not really gambling with goblins, you can't beat a master at his own game so that's not really appreciated.
"Sir? The room is ready, if you wait in there I will lead anyone through to you when they arrive" binky said interrupting my thoughts
"Ok, do not allow anyone outside of the guest and apparition room without you though blinky" I said leaving the room
I waited for 5 minuits before getting agitated, I'm not a very patient guy unless need be, I do not appreciate my circle being late
After another few minuits they all arrived in a big group blinky leading them
"Sorry sir, we were having trouble with one of the wards not allowing cho in, we have fixed it now though" Binky said
"And why didn't you or one of the others come and get me?" I asked
"We did not think of that, we're very sorry hadrian" blaise said stepping forward
"Cho come here" I ordered standing up "the rest of you take your seats"
They did as told and I took cho's wrist
"This will stop any curse, apart from the killing curse, from harming you, including imperio" I said "Cedric, cho? Are you both ok with this"
"Yes, if you are cho" Cedric said
"Yes" she said
I quickly did the spell
"Sit" I said taking my seat, cho sitting in her own seat to Cedrics left
the table was rectangular but short.
I sat at the edge of the table and the seat to my right was left empty for when draco arrived whilst the rest were filled.
Bellatrix however would join and not be sat immediately besides us, after her husband died she took back the black name, she had recently met her mate however as her husband was an arranged marriage forced upon her before her creature inheritance. We are yet to meet them however She has said we'd meet them after today's meeting or maybe even tomorrow if they couldn't make it.
I decide to start the meeting
"So guys... dracos gonna join us later and he would probably like to see your marks" I said
"Of course" dudley said with his arm wrapped around the back of alissa chair showing his mark.
"So for those who haven't been told this idea and those with a decision, draco and I have decided to send him and the triplets abroad to a peaceful country when the war begins to ensure their safety" I say "who has previously decided to go with him and who has previously decided not to go?"
"I will go with him" Neville said from blaise's side
"Lee will be leaving also" Fred said
"Alissa?" I ask
"I would like to stay here however it isn't safe and they will most likely need help so I will go" she replied
"Yes" dudley said
"Cedric? Cho?"
"I can help alissa look after the rest so if it's ok with Cedric I'll go also" she said
"Mother is unlikely of leaving, aunt bella is needed here however you need someone with some sort of healing or potions skill" I say
"Didnt narcissa malfoy have a job at St mungos before she had draco" blaise asked
"Yes, she Is probably gonna be the one to go with you"
We talked some more about the subject before talking about other things 
After an hour if talking we all go to grab some food
We sit at the table when I feel a stinging feeling on my hand and a piercing feeling on my neck
Then we all hear a scream and we all look in the direction
I stand up immediately recognising the scream to be dracos and run towards it
My wings escaping, my claws lengthening, my eyes revealing their crimson core
I run until I reach the room that will become the triplets, my instincts to protect draco directing me
I run in to see dumbledoor stood over a crying draco who's holding 2 sobbing toddlers
"Expeliarmus" I said taking dumbledoors wand "What did you do"
"Nothing fatal" he replied
"Leave" I say noticing neville comforting draco
He apparates away his wand dissapearing out of my hand
"Where's the triplets" I ask crouching down to dracos height
"H-he... h-he" draco said pushing the toddlers towards me
"These... these are the triplets?" I ask
"Y-y" he stumbles sobbing
"Neville, put oberon and cassy into the bed, draco where's perseus?" I ask
"M-m-mu" he said not able to form words
"Your mother?" I ask
"My mother?"
He nods
"Where?" I ask
"Snape manor?"
He nods once again
I hint at dudley and Alissa to go find him and bring draco onto my lap
"Go to sleep, I'll wake you when perseus is here" I promise
"Shh" I hush "don't speak"
He falls asleep on my shoulder so I place him on the bed we had placed in this room for when the triplets are being fussy
I sit at the foot of the bed watching  down on my fragile mate
He starts fussing so I place my arm close to his hand and he immediately curls around it
I look over at the remaining triplets
"They have to leave soon" I whisper
"What" blaise asks
"They're not safe here" I murmur
"This weekend we all leave then, we can stay with them for a week, after that we visit every other weekend for the whole weekend, we finnish this fight then" blaise says
"Yeah" I say "we must keep them safe"
Suddenly alissa, dudley, my parents and dracos parents all arrived, my mother holding perseus tight, exept perseus was now as big as his brother and sister and had wrapped his arms around my mothers neck
They were now toddlers
"Aunt cissy, check their all ok" I say
She does as told and I proceed to wake draco
After a while he awakens and I point towards the toddlers
"They're all big now" he said
"Yeah" I said pulling him up and onto my lap "they're still our triplets though"
"Yeah" he murmured
"We're moving you lot going away to this weekend, though we're gonna come with you for the first week, and visit whenever we can" I say
"Ok" he said
"How about after the twins wake up and we feed them, you see everyone's marks, you can give me mine afterwards" I said
"I thought you could only give it on a full moon" he said
"You can give it any time but it's painless on the full moon" I explain
"Then we wait" he said
"But then we can't talk whilst apart, owls are risky and can be tracked, phones are the same, fires are dangerous just as risky" I say
"But I don't want you to be in pain" he said
"I can handle it, I can throw off any curse in seconds I think I can handle this" I say
"If your sure, then I'll do it" he said
"Ok" I say
The triplets wake up and look at us
"Mama, dada" oberon and cassy yell whilst perseus just looks at us
"Inside voices please, how did you sleep?" Draco said standing and walking over to them
"Good mama" cassy said
"Good, we hungry now though" oberon said standing and taking Cassiopeia's hand
Perseus was the only one not saying anything or reacting to us
I looked at him then at draco before hinting at draco to take the two for food
"What's wrong perce?" I ask sitting beside him
He says nothing gazing into space 
He carries on staring
I tap him lightly and he looks at me quickly
I stand up and offer my hand to him
He lifts his arms asking to be carried
I pick him up and carry him down the stairs on my hip
"Perseus?" I ask
He continues looking around and not paying any attention to me
I tap him again and point towards the food, he nods and I sit him down in his high chair
"Draco?" I say
"Yeah, any idea why perseus doesn't communicate with me when I talk to him?" I ask
"I thought he only did that to me? He doesn't try to talk with you either?" He says confused
"No, we'll he'll point and nod and shake his head and react when I point or motion or tap him but otherwise...nothing." I explain
"we should see my mum" he says looking at perseus concerned
"Yeah, during the beginning of the meeting you take him to her, afterwards come and I'll show you the marks and you can mark me" I way
"Ok" he says
"Ok" I reply

We finnish food and I walk the triplets and draco to aunt cissy
"Hey aunt cissy" I say picking perseus up "cassy, oberon, can you go sit in those seats by there please?"
They do as told and I direct all of my attention to aunt cissy
"What seems to be the problem then?"  She asks looking at perseus "are you a bit poorly perce?"
He ignores her and keeps gazing into the distance
"Hey? Perseus?" I say bouncing him a bit
He looks at me confused
"Hello perse, can you tell nana cissy why you don't like talking to me and mummy?" I ask
He keeps looking at me confused
"Is he... does he ever react to you before you tap him?" She asks
"No, never, he used to sometimes but now he seems to just... ignores us" I explain
"I think perhaps, hmm, he may have lost his hearing when dumbledore cast the spell on them" she says
"Wait so he may be... deaf?" Draco asks
"Yes" I say "do we have any options other than learning to communicate in a different way?"
"We could take him to a muggle doctor, they would most likely give him hearing aids, or to St mungos but we don't have many spells to fix hearing, in fact only one that only works occasionally, you could learn sign language and talk to him that way?" She says
"We could do the muggle doctor and the sign language, we could do it as a family" draco says
"Yeah, great idea, any idea where, when or how?" I ask
"I'll set up an appointment for you guys to go to a muggle hospital next week, and to go to a family sign lesson between now and then" she says
"Thanks, we better get going, could you look after them till we return" I ask
"Of course, any time you know that" she says
"Thanks mum" draco says
I take his hand and we walk to the meeting in silence
Once we arrive everyone is stood, two, not quite sure who yet, we're stood in the center of the room arguing
The rest were stood around trying to keep out of their way
"What is going on here?" I ask "I leave for an hour, to sort out my triplets and my submissive only to find you lot rioting around and fighting like a bunch of animals, take your seats, except you two, you two can stay standing for the time being"
I walk over to them whilst everyone else excluding draco take their seats, draco hovers behind me to make sure I don't kill these two idiots
"What happened" I ask Cedric and blaise
"He touched neville" blaise accused
"What!" I ask Cedric
"I didn't mean too I tripped and flew into him, neville started crying and blaise attacked me once checking on him" Cedric explained
I look around for neville who has red eyes
"Neville you ok?" I ask
"Yeah, just a bit shaky" he says
"Cedric apologies" I order
"Sorry blaise sorry neville, It was an accident I swear I didn't mean to hurt either of you" he says
"Blaise apologies to Cedric for attacking him" I order
"He-" I cut him off with a glare "Sorry Cedric for attacking you" he murmurs
"Sit" I order spinning around and taking my seat and pulling draco onto my lap "Draco wishes to see your marks, everyone come over and show him, he'll be marking me after we're finished"
The marks given to everyone where thought out, everyone had a mark that matched perfectly with them, anyone who held the same power as I or was family had a bird, draco a dove. Alissa had a raven and dudley an eagle, the eagle was for if draco and I were ever in danger, he was to go to dudley if at all possible.
"Birds?" Draco asks
"For family, mine can be anything you wish though" I explain
Fred and George had highena's as they were pranksters whilst Lee had a kitten
Blaise had a bat and neville a badger
"You like them?" I ask
"Yeah, they're perfect" draco replied
"Cedric and cho will be having theirs on the full moon" I explain "Let's get mine sorted"
He stands over me and recited the spell, an animal appears on the inside of my wrist, a small black bear with perfect details as if drawn by an artist
"Perfect" I say pulling him onto my lap "you can all leave now, it's a bear, let's go get the triplets and head to bed"
We do exactly that heading into  a deep sleep

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