The Oh, So Wonderful Field Trip To Stark(Irondad)

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I just had to start this book, with one of these. This plot is just so cliche and overused that I had to open the book with this one. It became a bit longer than I intended, but whatever. Hope you enjoy!


Summary: Peter's class goes on a field trip to Stark Towers

Relationships: Tony & Peter, (and some others like Peter & Ned).

Warnings: Some swearing, bullying (not physical)

Pre-chapter info: this is sort of setting in a universe where all the avengers are happy and living in the tower together.


Peter was having a wonderful day, he was swinging around Queens, the wind (and sometimes a bird) in his face. It was a quiet day, just helping cats out of trees and old ladies cross the street.

Suddenly he heard someone annoyedly calling his name, "Mr. Parker! Mr. Parker!"

Peter was about to swing down and help the person who called his name when he suddenly remembered, 'Wait, I'm in costume, how could anyone know my name?'

He was about to panic and freak out, because, someone had discovered his identity!, when the calling got louder, "Peter, Peter!"

Huh, did they know his first name now too?

Suddenly he felt poking in his side and a whispered, "Peter! Peter! Dude!"

Peter looked down, but saw nothing in his side, just a few birds a few feet down, but he doubted that they had invisible arms of 10 feet.

Though, maybe they were robot birds, he was about to cautiously approach the birds, when he also felt poking from the other side, harsher than the first one, and a whispered, "Yo, Parker, you dumbass."

And then....

"Aaaaaaahhhh! Where am I?"

Peter had been so lost in his dreams, he didn't realise he was in his science classroom and that his teacher, Mr. Harrington, was towering over him with a look on his face that was.....not really nice, and now it was directed at Peter.

He honestly couldn't help it (okay, maybe he could), but he had encountered a very mean cat yesterday, and he didn't want to hurt it, but it just kept on clawing at him, so it took him hours to get it of him (with a lot of fish and giving him shiny things). So he went to bed at 3 am and science is just so boring. I mean, Peter worked with nanotechnology, there is no way science.....

"Mr. Parker!", Mr. Harrington interrupted his thoughts, "am I too boring for you?"

'Yes', Peter thought, but he wasn't going to say that out loud.

Mr. Harrington was doing that thing whereby the teacher just sort of dares you to disobey them, so they can give you even more punishment than they already planned to give you.

", um..sir", Peter stuttered, while he blushed beet red when he saw Flash and some of his goonies snickering behind Mr. Harrington's back.

"Well, then, Mr. Parker, you missed the announcement of where the yearly field trip is going, I think that is punishment enough", Mr. Harrington said with a scathing tone.

Peter sagged with relief, May would have killed him if she found out he had landed himself another detention. The field trip would be pretty boring anyways, knowing where it is beforehand wouldn't help it, so that wasn't too bad of a punishment. He could ask Ned anyways.

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