Car Accident(Irondad)

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Bonjour I have returned from my 1000 year hiatus with a below average piece of fanfiction


Tony was bored.

He was bored frequently, but now he was really, really bored.

He was currently in an Avengers meeting, which you'd imagine would be exciting right? Well wrong, for Tony hearing Steve lecture about safety was about as interesting as watching the paint dry.

As Steve droned on and on with the righteous indignation he somehow managed to muster up for each meeting, Tony slowly checked off each point on the lecture list. Safety first, check, civilians are a priority, check, no reckless risks, check.

After about 20 minutes Tony concluded he'd actually rather watch the paint dry, so the phone call from his son was a welcome excuse to get the fuck out of there.

When his phone suddenly blared Highway To Hell, he grabbed it and answered so fast he was afraid he was going to break his wrist.

He saw Steve glaring at him from the corner, but he just smirked back.

"Hey kid, what's up?"

"I have good news and bad news", Peter said, and Tony didn't know if he heard that right, but he swore Peter was slurring a bit, as if he was dizzy.

"The good news?", Tony asked cautiously.

"Well... the airbags in your car work perfectly", Peter snickered a bit, but he like he wasn't a 100% there.

Tony's eyes widened and he paled a few shades, he quickly jumped up from his seat and ran from the room at lighting speed before anyone could stop him.

"Kid, where are you?", he said, the Iron Man suit forming around him.

When there was no answer Tony tried again, "Peter?"

No answer.

"JARVIS, track him and fly me to him", the shit immediately shit off in the direction of Queens.

When he was finally there, after what felt like hours, he saw his beloved Aston Martin (one that screamed 'I'm rich', instead of 'I'm very, very rich'), it's front crashed into a building, another car against it's flank, an angry driver shouting at police and gesturing at a bemused looking Peter, who was being put onderneath a blanket by a paramedic.

He quickly jumped out of the suit and hugged a sheepish Peter fiercely. They both ignored the incredulous paramedic staring at Tony.

"Kid, you okay!?", Tony said, checking Peter all over for any injuries.

"I'm fine, 's just a concussion, sorry about the car, da- Tony", Peter said, sounding genuinely sorry, even though he's still slurring a little.

"I'll get it fixed", Tony waved him off.

"Now, young man, what were you thinking!?"


An hour later the Avengers burst into the penthouse, looking for Tony.

"Stark! Where are you!?"

They couldn't find him, so Steve thought it was a good idea to split up to find the multi-billionaire.

Suddenly Steve heard a noise out of a room next to him, it sounded like a movie was playing.

He called the avengers to the room as quiet as he could, and none of them knew whose room it was, as they had actually never been in this part of the penthouse, but they knew Tony's room was here, so they had gone looking here.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2021 ⏰

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