Chapter 5

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News of the attack ran through school the school with a calm fury. The response from the public and media was much more heated, with parents calling to make sure that their children were okay. Izuku didn't remember what he was doing when the news hit, just the feeling that followed afterward. Anger. Anger that he wasn't there and that he didn't help.

They were attacked.

And Class 1-A became heroes, they survived a mass attack from a group of villains, and they fought them off long enough for All Might to show up and save the day. It was all the media talked about, even after a week. But the feeling of not doing enough was still there.

Mei's concern stopped when she found out no one died, then went right back to work on their auto stabilizer project, though her hands were shaking. Her work ethic was something to admire.

"Izuku," Higari-sensei waved him over the moment they entered the workshop for the day. There were a dozen or so numbered cases that covered his Sensei's normally clutter free and well-organized desk. "With the upcoming sports festival and the internship program for the hero courses, I've been asked to make several repairs and modifications to their costumes. As you can see I'm a little bit swamped at the moment."

"And you'd like me to help you?" There were so many boxes. "Would you like Mei-"

"Mei is a creative and hard worker, but I can't trust her not to modify the design which could be problematic." He raised a gloved hand, how did he even do such fine work with those gloves on? Or see with that helmet on? "You, however, can follow directions and are quick, adaptable and reliable. Besides, it'll be healthy for you to grow on your own."

Izuku stared at the chests, they were getting ready for the sports festival as much as anybody else was, especially Mei who was halfway to being fully equipped, though her goal was different from everybody else. Get to the biggest crowd to make sure there's a lot of people to watch as she displayed their gadgets. He honestly felt bad about whoever her opponent was.

"I'd be happy to help you sensei." Izuku bowed, there were better ways for him to show off than at the sports festival, while the Catch'em Balls were their first success, that was a generic device that could work with a wide range of quirks. Costume design was more personal and included each heroes unique powers and quirks. Most of their class was already opting out of the sports festival. "But, I don't think that I'll be finished with what I need for the sports festival."

Higari-sensei nodded, humming in understanding. "I see, tell me Izuku how much time would you be willing to spend a day in the workshop?"

He looked to Mei who was already buried in one of their current projects. Somehow they had effectively laid claim to a fourth of the workshop as their own private lab, and it was spreading with each prototype. Some students hadn't even finished their first invention. As long as he was with Mei, he could probably spend the whole day in here working on projects caught in that creative bliss that she seemed to inspire. "Well on my own maybe a couple extra hours to finish up a few projects. But if Mei was there I could probably go all day."

"I see well then. I fully expect everything to be in working order when you depart, furthermore all rules must be followed like I'm standing right behind you, and no matter what the door is to be locked at eight, that gives you an extra three hours if you're fast with clean up, and make sure that Mei actually gets home no matter how hard she begs to pull an all-nighter," Power loader said his voice was almost prideful like the time he had been elected student secretary back in middle school, he turned back to his desk cracking open the first of many boxes. "Feel free to take any box you'd like the changes and repairs are listed on the file inside."

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