Untitled Part 12

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The fact that he was standing in the girl's bath was not lost on him. It was just placed under storage to freak out about later when he was trying to get some sleep later as his mind was currently being occupied by his girlfriend. His crazy, spazoid, oddball girlfriend that did amazing things without even thinking. More specifically about how blunt she was, there was no hidden side to Mei, no dark past to dredge up, no excuse for her being the way she was. She just was.

And she was very naked right now, unless he counted the numerous grease and dirt stains that were covering her body, which he didn't. As always she walked in front of him like she didn't know shame, instead he felt all of the shame and embarrassment she should be feeling and added it to his own. He chose the wrong girl to fall in love with.

Or the right one.

Mei had always been cute, then as his crush grew she became beautiful, and now standing naked in front of him with her chest held high and her eyes still wide open like she had an I.V. drip of coffee going right into her blood he couldn't even imagine anyone looking so good. Somehow the grease stains looked like they belonged on her.

She gave a yawn, stretching in front of him showing off her large bouncy breasts that were topped off with soft nipples the size of a pencil eraser, her waist was narrow and her hips were wide. If it wasn't for her eccentric personality she'd easily be one of the most popular girls in the school. But that wasn't why he loved her, it was just a really nice bonus.

"Alright!" She pumped her arm smiling at him, then spun towards the wash area of the bath, her fluffy pink hair was flat against her back with the amount of sweat it was holding. He had a sexy and gross girlfriend. When she walked her chest was held high and her hips swayed. It was really hard not to notice those powerful back and upper arm muscles she had earned through countless inventions, out of everything it was perhaps those muscles that called to him the most. That and her breasts. "Come on Izuku the sooner you wash me the sooner I go to bed, which means I can wake up sooner and get right back to work!"

Mei plopped down onto a stool with her back facing him, her breasts were visible when ever she lifted up her arms.

Oh wait, he was supposed to be washing her. And scolding her for her inability to clean herself up. Something about not being wiped. But it was hard to complain about it considering how he was currently seeing Mei's naked body, and was about to touch it. All of it. Sure he had squeezed her boob before, but there was clothing in the way. This was on a whole nother level.

Right he could do this. It was just a naked body, and he had been washing himself for years. It was just like that. Except not at all. This was a girl's body. A naked beautiful girls body. His naked girlfriend's body. His incredibly beautiful and hot girlfriend's filthy body that was just sitting there on a stool like it was no big deal that she was actually naked in front of him.

"Izuku!" She whined, leaning backwards to look at him, her smile undiminished. "Hurry up, it's cold, damp, and boring over here."

"Right!" He grabbed the towel and tried his best to walk with his head held high and maintaining eye contact. It helped that Mei's eyes drew him and held him there. Most of the time. He poured the hot water and added the soap as Mei sat there bouncing on the stool like she wasn't sleep deprived, it was honestly impressive. She had to be drinking coffee but she hated bitter things, so maybe a pill or something?

Or maybe she was just bat shit crazy and he was just now realizing it despite the fact that everybody had been telling him that since day one. He placed the wet towel onto her back and began to rub her. Mei gave a soft barely noticeable groan. But she was so worth it.

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