Untitled Part 13

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Something was off.

Mei stood in the middle of the common hall frozen mid-stride. All of the other students were already heading out the door, a few pausing to give her their usual weird looks. But the only one that mattered to her wasn't there, by this point he'd have run up to her be awkward for a second until she took his hand cause he was weird like that and needed to remember that touching her was okay. More than okay really.

Where was Izuku? She looked around the room, no sign of her hunky green-haired boyfriend. Maybe he was late? She should wait. Girlfriends did that right? Boyfriends did, so, so should girlfriends. Made sense to her. Besides morning classes were language classes and she spent most of her time daydreaming about new babies and Izuku.

Three seconds was long enough.

She took two more steps, then stopped. She should check on him! She walked towards Izuku's door and reached for the handle. Wait, shouldn't she knock? Did Girlfriends knock? Did she knock? No, she really didn't it. If he wanted privacy he'd lock it. Besides she was his girlfriend That meant she could do things that other people couldn't.

Like, touch him.

What if he was still changing? She opened the door. That was a risk she was willing to take. She was disappointed by the lack of Izuku in various states of undress. Instead, all she was greeted by was a dark room with just a tad bit too much All Might merchandise to be tasteful. Fortunately, there was an Izuku shaped lump on the bed. Did he miss his alarm? He never missed his alarm.

"Izuku," She purred dropping her bag near his door as she shut it tightly behind them. "Are you asleep Izuku?"

She was about to get onto his bed and wake him up with kisses and lots of muscle touches but was stopped by the various tissues and bottle of NyQuil that littered Izuku's bed. Ew. "Are you sick?"

"Mei?" Izuku groaned sitting up. Yep, he was sick. He had the whole snotty nose thing and red puffy eyes. He was also pale. He blinked inhaling a healthy amount of snot before wiping his nose with a used tissue. "I'm a little sick today, can you turn in my homework? It's on the desk."

He didn't wait for her to respond before falling back into his blankets.

Her boyfriend was sick. That meant it was time to test her boyfriend is sick skills! Let's see what was the first he sick people needed! Oh, right soup! She should get him soup. "What kind of soup do you like? Do you want a sponge bath? Do you have a fever? Is it just a cold? Do you feel like vomiting?"

"Mei." He groaned from the bed. "Go to class."

"Oh! Wait I know! Let me keep you warm with my body!"

"Mei!" He flipped the cover off revealing his shirtless chest. Oh, muscles. And snot. He looked tired. "It's just a head cold I'm fine! Go to class unless you want to get sick too."

"That's a risk I'm willing to take to comfort you in your time of need!" Being sick meant that she didn't have to go to class, she could stay in the workshop all day and work on all the babies and when they kicked her out of that she could sit in her room and work on blueprints all day. The only downside she was sick, but that was minor.

"I'll be fine. Go to class." He pulled the covers back over him, this time swallowing up his head.

"Aww, can't I get a kiss first?"

"Go to class."

"But it's boring without you." It was the truth. Classes without Izuku sucked, how was she going to survive? She could already feel her brain rotting from the mind-numbingly boring stuff.

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