Untitled Part 8

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It wasn't that she hated the outdoors, there was lots of room for testing things and people tended to not get mad when something exploded, nor did she hate sand, it had uses, counterweights, even if it did get everywhere and cause problems for a lot of their devices, and she sure as hell didn't hate getting dirty. There were no less than three grease stains on her at all times even after a bath.

No, what she hated was idleness. Traveling was one thing because at least then she was going somewhere to do a thing. But just sitting on the beach watching the waves was not just boring. It was also unproductive. And it was all because of that strange green haired woman that had bad jokes. Still, she was a client, kind of.

She ran her hands through the soft sand of the beach, her toes buried under just enough to find the coldness that laid below the hot surface. The shade that Emi's giant smiley faced beach umbrella had moved two degrees - which judging by the position of the sun and the time when she was separated from all forms of technology she still had approximately eighty degrees left until she was allowed to go back to their room and resume planning.

The worst part was that Izuku wasn't even suffering. The moment they got onto the beach and Emi tore his shirt off he was swarmed by various peoples. Even now he was playing beach volleyball with a bunch college students, and that included girls in bikinis that kept touching him. Why'd the keep touching him? They had no reason to keep touching him, it was always with long looks while they shook their bodies.

At least it looked like Izuku somewhat uncomfortable by their attention. But did he have to enjoy it so much? He was her partner, not theirs.

"You know," Ms. Joke laughed from behind her casually flipping a page of her book. Was that seriously all she was going to do? Just sit at the beach and read? Talk about hypocritical. "If you took off that T-shirt I'm sure Izuku would be all over you! You really should just be glad we can wear the same size top, I was able to give you a super cute two-piece."

Mei blinked, thumbing at the plain white shirt she was wearing. She was here against her will, this was supposed to be a time of exciting baby making! Not sitting at the beach doing nothing. And the top she was forced into wasn't nearly as cute as any of her babies were! Especially not the giant robot her and Izuku would build!

But why would he pay any more attention to her with her shirt off? It wasn't like she'd be naked or anything weird like that. Besides those other girls were wearing swimsuits. "I don't think that would make a difference. He's having fun over there."

Emi closed her book with a snap. "Oh come on Mei, you're cuter than any of them! Bustier too, which believes me that goes a long way, I saw him sneaking peeks at your girls in the car, if you want Izuku's attention all you have to do is grab it." Emi's smile vanished, replaced with a soft frown as she stared out into the ocean. "But, you might want to let him know how you feel soon, otherwise it'll just get to the point where no matter what you do he'll think the whole thing is a joke."

"How I feel?" She felt bored, a little bit hungry and that she was wasting her time.

Emi nodded, her smile was back, but aside from it just being a smile she had no idea how to read it. Izuku's was the only person she bothered to learn about. And that was just cause it was important to read her teammate. "Yea, about him."

"How I feel about Izuku?" She pulled her knees up into her chest, zooming in on Izuku as a bunch of girls kept talking to him. "Well right now he's making me mad."

She blinked and looked at Emi. "Wait, why am I mad?"

"Ooooh, you're one of those types. Oh man, this is going to be even more fun than I thought it was going to be!" Emi hopped onto her feet and stretched from side to side. "I'll give you a hint and lots of time for some unsupervised fun. You're jealous!" She laughed, before bounding away. "Let me know if you figure it out!"

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