7: Some Introduction, Hot-Shot

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Three quick knocks. Adrenaline rushed through me, tensing, getting ready for what was on the other side of the door. The police, maybe?

"Allin, are you okay?" It was Kuri'Shii's voice on the other side of the door.

I gave a big sigh of relief, releasing the built-up stress, "Yeah, just an injured little damsel here. Just a second."

I limped over to the door and opened it for him. His face was filled with worry that soon disappeared when he saw me. As he walked in, he found the dressed gash on my leg, "What did you do!?" His concern reappeared and increased by the second.

"Calm down, I'm not dying. Someone left their pet out in the hall." That wasn't exactly what happened, but that was as straight-forward and abridged I could make the story to save time. He still looked at me with those worried red eyes. "Hey, at least I know first-aid."

"Yeah," his expression softened to slight concern, "you said you found someone on the side of the road."

I immediately recalled that I told him that when I found Green Girl, remembering the intense fear in her eyes. "I did."

I remembered that Green Girl wasn't the trusting type of person, and she was a complete abnormality compared to what we're both used to. No, to what everyone was used to. He wouldn't understand.

I hushed my voice, "Just so you aren't completely shocked about who this is, she's gone through a ton. I barely know who she is, or how she got here, or why she... why she's even alive. So, just... bear with me she isn't exactly..." I tried to find the right word, "normal." That sounded like I was talking about an abused member of a circus troupe with an ostracism-worthy ability. "You wouldn't see this kind of person anywhere in public. Without a disguise or something." I'm making this even more difficult.

His expression contorted into confusion and utter disgust, not knowing what to expect. "Is she a member of a traveling cult group?"

I didn't even think of that. "No! She isn't part of a cult! I don't know anything besides she was..."

I can't find any more words. I didn't want to keep playing this guessing game with no answer he would even guess closely to or understand. I couldn't believe it myself at first when I saw her on the dark road.

"I'll just show you."

Walking over to the bed Green Girl hid behind, Kuri'Shii followed, hopefully preparing for what he was going to see. Still nervous, I held out my hand to him, gesturing to keep his distance. I crouched at the corner of the bed facing Green Girl, who was curled up in a ball against the bed in the fetal position, protecting her hooded head with her only arm.

Like she was bracing for a horrible punishment.

"Hey, you can stop now." She looked up from her knees, eyes wide with uncertainty. "He isn't going to hurt us." Knowing him, that's obvious, but his height could say otherwise.

I gently pulled her hand away from her head and stood her up. The hood still loomed over her face, so I pulled it off, exposing all her green hair and her pale, noticeably edged face. Both of us looked to Kuri'Shii, finding a shock on his face, completely not expecting filthy blackish-green hair. His face grew almost full-blown fuchsia. What's with his face?

His mouth hung open silently. He's speechless. He closed his mouth and looked to the floor, realizing what he was doing. I realized he wasn't going to do anything until someone else did something first.

So I acted, "Could you maybe help me get these ability depressors off her? 'Cause that would really help right now."

He cleared his throat and broke his gaze from the floor and focused on me, "Uh, yeah." His face leveled to its original color, I didn't know his face could do that. "I think I know what to..." he twirled his finger in the air, "getting... materials." Still in shock.

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