Part 3 "The Apartment" (Freddie's Point of View)

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Oh, dear.... I really have ruined things this time. I folded my arms as I walked down the street, after all without a coat it was dreadfully cold. Why did I have to call her beautiful? I could have just as easily said the coat looks very nice on you or something to that extent, but of course, I've always got to ruin things!

I used my entire walk to think about what I had said and what I should have done differently, but quickly came to the realization that Melancholy actually wanted to meet the band! Even though I had messed things up pretty good, she at least was willing to give me another chance!

After the long walk, I finally reached the apartment that all of us members of the band lived in, "Brian! I bet you could never guess what happened while I was at the recording studio!"

"Freddie, did you find another chocolate bar on the ground," Brian sighed and looked over to John, " I thought he would have learned his lesson from the last time when he got sick!"

"I may or may not have eaten another stray chocolate bar, but darlings I just found a new member of the band!" I smiled and prepared to plead with Brian in order to let another singer join.

"Freddie.... Why would we need another member in the band, we have everyone we need," John nervously looked to Brian and then over to Roger, "You guys aren't getting rid of me, are you?"

"We're getting rid of John? I thought he was doing perfectly well!" Roger walked over to John and gave him an awkward side hug, "I like John he's my best friend."
Brian gasped, "John, we aren't getting rid of you, but Roger you better be careful or you might go next!"

"Gosh Bri, I can have more than one best friend!" Roger gave John a pat on the back before leaning up against the wall closest to the door, "You know Freddie if you've told another person they could be in the ba-"

Rasing my voice ever so slightly I stopped Roger midsentence, "Wait! Just wait until you meet her, once I heard her sing I knew that-"

"Her?!" My heart dropped as in unison all of the other guys instantly questioned the person whom I had admired so much.

Brian cut straight to the point I knew might be coming, "You know how much drama a woman will bring this group! If Roger would just-"

Roger stood up straighter and began to walk angerly towards Brian, "Look who's talking! Yep, that's right just the man who-"

Brian towered over Roger, His loud voice echoing through the apartment, "You don't know what you're talking about, at least I don't bring home somebody-"

"Umm, I'm pretty sure there is someone at the door," John shyly intruded into the conversation, "Well, I guess I'll go get it..."

John slowly stood up, but I instantly stopped him, "Stop fighting! I'm expecting someone and I don't want them to run away at first glance because of you children yelling at each other!" As soon as it had started, both Brian and Roger had stopped yelling, but they both stood on different sides of the room angerly staring at each other.

Although I wasn't expecting anyone, better safe than sorry when it comes to answering the door! I peered through the small circle of a window which leads to the main hallway, and standing there was Melancholy wearing my jacket!

Opening up the door I greeted her with a warm welcome, "Hello love! What brings you here at such an odd time of the night?"

"Umm, I felt bad holding onto your jacket overnight and I thought you might miss it so.," she took off the jacket and handed it to me.

"Are you sure you traveled all the way here to give me my coat? From what you said at the studio it seems to me like you live quite a distance from here," I worriedly glanced back at John, Brian, and Roger who were now whispering and giggling with each other, the argument of moments ago was clearly forgotten.

"No, I umm actually wanted to apologize to you," Melancholy looked down at her feet and begun popping her knuckles, an action of hers which I had noticed at the studio.

"Why darling? You haven't done anything wrong? I can't possibly think of something for which you would need to apologize for!"

"I just umm, actually could we talk outside," She lowered her voice, "Your blond friend is scaring me."

I laughed, "of course, we can, I'll have a talk with him later," we stepped out into the hallway, but I knew just as well that the others would be listening from underneath the door. What on earth was this girl going to apologize for, more and more unreasonable thoughts went through my mind as I awaited what she was going to say.

"Freddie," she frowned and I noticed her hands slightly shaking out of fear.

"Yes, Love?"

"When you said that I looked beautiful, I'm sorry about how I reacted... just it was so sudden and no-one has ever said anything so kind to me before," Melancholy looked up with a few tears in her eyes, her hands still slightly shaking.

"Darling, you have no need to feel bad about how you reacted, if anyone should be apologizing it should be me, I didn't consider how you would feel about a total stranger saying that you look beautiful," I reached my hand out and brushed a few strands of her light brown hair behind her ear, "You've done nothing wrong, dear,."

Melancholy visibly relaxed as she reached forward and gave me a hug, "I'm glad that there are no hard feelings," she lightly whispered into my ear.

"It's awfully cold out, and it's almost five AM, if you would like you could stay here and sleep on the couch," it was already horrible enough that she walked all the way here to apologize, so I decided I probably should invite her to stay after all, she would be back in a few hours.

"I probably shouldn't stay, I would hate to be a burden on you and your friends," Melancholy reached out and held onto both of my hands, giggling she said, "Can't you live without me for four hours?"

While laughing I whispered, "How could I? It's late, and I would hate for you to walk all the way back to your apartment, I promise I'll keep the blond one away if that's what's worrying you."

She laughed, "If you insist, It would be nice to get some rest before meeting everyone!"

"Would you mind if I go let everyone know what you are doing here before you get settled in? I don't want any problems between us and the others."

"Of course you can!" She giggled as she spoke, "just don't forget I'm out here!"

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