Part 5 "The glass of water" (Roger's Point of View)

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The second I heard Freddie say that I must stay in my room while Melody was here, I knew that I wasn't going to follow that rule. As "sweet" as Freddie could be, he could be real bossy and unfair sometimes! Another seemingly pointless rule added to his list of restrictions going directly against me. Every single time I think of a really good idea, Fred just invents a new rule to stop me! He had always been a true Mr. Bad Guy, but I'm sure there was some kind of reasoning behind all his weird orders, even if I couldn't see it.

After I heard Freddie say he was going to bed, I knew that it would be the perfect time for me to get to know Melody! Without Freddie embarrassing me, like he tended to do most of the time. As long as I was super quiet, Freddie would never have to find out that I broke his silly little "suggestion".

My heart fluttered in my chest, I was nervous to actually sit down and talk to this girl after she had told Freddie that she was "scared" of me. Who knows? That could just be another lie he made up just to discourage me from being friends with her. After what seemed like ages of working myself up over going to talk to her, I finally decided to just go for it, "Who cares if she doesn't like me? Better yet, how couldn't she like me! I am Roger Taylor and there is no way that she will completely disregard my beautiful face... right?" While carefully walking out of my bedroom, all of these thoughts rushed through my mind, but I eventually calmed myself down.

After quietly shutting my door, I tiptoed down the stairs as quiet as can be- well I take that back! I tripped a few times and it took all my willpower to hold back a small laugh. As soon as I reached the bottom of the staircase, I let out a sigh of relief because Freddie had clearly not noticed that I had passed by his room.

While walking past the kitchen I realized that it would be smart to get a glass of water, just in case I needed an excuse for being downstairs. I walked into the kitchen and filled up my glass, but only taking a small sip to augment the illusion that I was truly only downstairs to retrieve water.

After filling up the glass, I quietly walked into the living room and set down the cup on Brian's "well loved" coffee table he insisted upon keeping. The poor thing was covered in marks and scratches, you would think that Bri would give it up at one time or another!

The moonlight softly shone onto the couch where a girl named melody was resting, it's sheer, blue toned light filled the room, creating a calm atmosphere. Noticing that it was actually quite cold, I reached for a blanket for myself, then for Melody.

In a painfully slow manner, I gently draped a fluffy, grey blanket over her, trying my best to make sure that she stayed at rest. After letting the blanket settle, I slowly backed away as if I were putting a child down for a nap in their cradle.

I sat back down in the chair I was previously sitting in, picking up my glass I stared at my reflection, swirling the water around. Swirling the water around became quite fun! Well.... It actually became a little to fun to the extent that I ummm. Spilled. Water. All. Over. Melody.

My whole body froze, in seconds I went from being close to laughter to well, almost screaming. I genuinely tried to jump up and scream, but some invisible force made that action feel nearly impossible. I stared at her, just waiting for her to wake up and scream... after several minutes I realized that everything was going to be fine, and I could just fix things on my own.

Sighing in relief, I stood up and walked over to the kitchen, quite anxiously in fact, to grab a towel to help dry everything off. I didn't have a contradicting thought on whether or not it would be smart to attempt to soak up the water on the couch, while she was still sleeping so I started wiping up all the liquid that had been spilled.

After only a few minutes of wiping up the water, I felt like I was the smartest man in the world! Nobody would ever know I've been down here, and I even went against Freddie's weird rules, in all honesty, that's a pretty big victory if you ask me! As I soaked up some of the water near Melody's shoulder, I leaned over her to make sure that I got all of the couch's surface dry; that's when I suddenly heard a quiet, but startling scream. I instantly jumped up and I saw Melody's eyes wide open out of fear! "What have you done now Roggie! You're such an idiot!" I thought to myself.

I watched a small teardrop from melody's eye and roll down her cheek, "What were you doing? Why were you leaning over me? Why are you here!?" She broke down in tears while I awkwardly stood and watched her, I never knew what to do when women cried in my presence.

"It's not what you think! I promise I was just sitting here and then my water just fell down on you," by this point, I was also crying, "I'm sorry!"

Melody looked over at me, seeming somewhat astonished that I was also crying over this situation, "So you were just down here watching me sleep? Where did this blanket even come from!"

More and more tears kept on rolling down my face, "I- j, just- umm... I just thought you l-looked cold!" I was trying to hold back tears but after a sleepless night and a now difficult situation, it was impossible to fake my emotions, "I must look like a real baby right now."

Melody let out a small laugh, by this time she had completely stopped crying and she didn't even seem too worried about the situation, "Look like a baby? No way! I hadn't even thought of it!" She burst out in a cute fit of laughter, man this girl was stealing my heart and she didn't even know it!

My seconds of joy instantly transferred back to worry when I realized that Freddie would find out about this, "Please don't tell Fred about what happened, I will be in so much trouble for being downstairs at all, better yet spilling water all over you!"

Melody laughed, "How would I tell Freddie when I don't even know your name? Of course, I won't tell him, don't put one more thought into it! Speaking of which, what is your name! All I've ever referred to you as is the blond one!"

I began to relax, "My name is Roger Taylor, but when Freddie introduces us tomorrow, you've got to pretend like you didn't know that!" I was genuinely surprised that no one had heard all of this commotion and came to the living room to see what was going on.

"Got it!" She winked, "Well in all seriousness, you better get back to your room before everyone gets up, it's nearing eight Roger."

"Eight? Man, that went by fast!" I instantly got up and started dashing for the stairs, but just before going out of sight, I waved to her to say goodbye until we would officially meet for the second time.

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