Part 7 "What Has Roger Done Now?"

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(Melancholy's point of view)

Roger ran up the stairs extremely fast, how worried was he about being "caught" by Freddie downstairs? At this point, I honestly had no idea what to think about this whole situation, let alone Roger and Freddie. I lied back down on the couch, pulling the blanket back into a comfortable position.

After about two hours of going back to sleep, I began to hear people walking down the stairs, although I was excruciatingly tired, I forced myself to get up and greet the band members. As I walked into their kitchen, I again saw a group of four, they seemed to be natural friends. I stood for a moment, crossing my arms over my chest just observing until someone noticed that I was there.

Freddie Turned around from the bowl of cereal he had been preparing, "Melody! I'm terribly sorry if we woke you up, darling!"

The others turned around to face where I was standing once Freddie began to speak, "Don't worry about it! I should be getting up by now anyway!"

Everyone went back to what they were doing, "Would you like to eat anything?" The man with dark curly hair picked up a bowl, "Oh, I should introduce myself, I'm Brian!"

I smiled, "I'm sure you've already heard my name, but I'm Melody." Brian nodded, I was sure that Freddie had already told them about me joining the band, "Of course I'll have some cereal! What kind of cereal do you have?"

John turned around, "We... um have Corn Crackos, and I'm John by the way!"

I looked over at John as he held up the box, "That would be amazing!" After pouring my cereal and returning the box to the counter, everybody sat down at the dining table. I looked over to see Roger avoiding eye contact from literally everyone, what was up with him?

Freddie cleared his voice, "So, I was thinking that we could go to the recording studio and try out a few songs with Melody's vocals supporting mine."

Roger looked up for a few moments, "Sure that sounds good to me."

Brian and John also agreed, so everybody continued eating their cereal. I noticed John's worried eyes meet Roger's uncomfortable stare several times, but I just ignored it and brushed it off as a regular thing.

Apparently, Freddie had also noticed this because he questionably looked over to the other band members several times. He frowned, looking quite disappointed because to him, it looked like they all had a secret that he wasn't a part of.

Once John had noticed Freddie awkwardly staring at him and Roger he tried his best to make conversation, "So... umm Freddie, how was the recording studio last night?"
Freddie snapped out of the stare, "It was quite nice, but I didn't get much done because of Melody interrupted me halfway through!" Freddie smiled and laughed while he talked, reminding me how much I loved his outstanding personality.

I couldn't stop smiling, "I didn't mean too!" I was planning on saying more, but my uncontrollable laughter wouldn't allow it. While I was smiling and laughing I looked over to see Roger frowning, looking right at Freddie. What was going on with him? I couldn't decide what was wrong so I just ignored him.

"Melody, could you tell us something about you?"Brian smiled, his brown curls seemed to gently rest on his shoulders, "Before you join the band, I think we should at least know a little bit about you!"

"Well, my hair is brown," everybody laughed at my attempt to make a joke, "I'm from London, I have a pet cat named Lola, and umm I'm twenty-two."

John smiled extremely big, "I'm also twenty-two!" He reached across the table and we high fived, " finally I'm not the only one!"

My face unintentionally twisted into a confused state, how old were the other guys?

Roger instantly butted into the conversation with a mix of disappointment and excitement on his face, "Melody, I'm twenty-four! We are only two years apart!" By this point, Roger seemed to be a little too enthusiastic and almost demanding for me to acknowledge him.

I could feel my face turning slightly pink, "Oh, umm that's cool."

Brian noticed but didn't say anything to acknowledge my blushing face, he honestly looked like he felt bad for me, "Well, I am going up to my room to get ready for the recording studio."

John waved and followed Brian to go to his room as well. Well great! Now I was stuck downstairs with two guys who I had feelings for that they possibly could have had for me.

(Freddie's Point of View)

What is going on with Roger? I reluctantly watched Brian and John leave... without Roger. Couldn't he just take a hint that he wasn't wanted down here?

"Melody! Did you know I'm writing this really amazing song, I think it will sound great with your voice singing it!" Roger smiled, and he seemed to be genuinely excited.

I glared at him, trying to get him to leave to get ready so I could talk with Melody, "Hey Roger, don't you need to get ready to go? I'm thinking that we could leave in about ten minutes if that's ok with you."

He looked awfully disappointed that I would send him off so soon, but solemnly agreed, "I'll meet you guys down here in ten minutes I guess."

Melody smiled, "See you then Rog!"

"Would you like to come to take a seat in the living room, it seems quite unnecessary for us to stand here for so long dear!" I lead her over to the living area and we both took a seat on the couch, "So darling, I was wondering if after we finished at the recording studio if you would like to go get dinner at the cafe downtown."

Melancholy smiled, "Of course I would! Before we go to the cafe, could we stop at my apartment I would hate for Lola to be unattended for so long!"
I practically screamed out in joy, "I love cats! It would be amazing to meet Lola for a few moments, if you would like, we could even bring our food back to your flat and eat there."

Melancholy looked down at her feet, but then met my eyes with a smile, "That's ok with me... but my apartment isn't nearly as big and extravagant as yours!"

I laughed for a moment before speaking, "That doesn't matter to me at all, darling! All that matters is that we can be together!"

Those ten minutes went by extremely fast before I knew it Brian, Roger, and John were all standing by the door, ready to leave.

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