Chapter 1

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Characters do not belongs to me, only my oc's. Other characters that are not from the show belong to other people.


   Frost walked down the hall to the main hanger when an alarm went off. "Ratchet?"

   "It's an energon mine." Ratchet said. Optimus came walking in, his ped steps slow and heavy. "Frost, Bee, with me."

   The two bots nodded. Ratchet pulled the lever, opening the bridge before they went through. Coming through the other side, the only thing they saw was absolute and completely flat desert grounds when they where told that it should have been mountains and forests. :Ratchet, are you sure this is the right place?: Optimus asked through the comm.

   :I'm sure of it. Is something wrong?:

   :There are no caves or mines out here. There are no trees or mountains.:

   :That's strange..... Let me ch...... mething..:

   :Ratchet, I'm getting st.....our end..:

   :Scra..: After a moment, the comms stopped working.

   "Um Dad, something doesn't feel right... " Frosty said.

   ":Correction. Something isn't right. The comms just went out.: " Bumblebee said. Optimus nodded. They moved forward with caution, then within seconds they found themselves surrounded by vehicons. Frost transformed her servo to a cannon and shot at a few.

   ":F-frost!: " Bee shouted suddenly. She turned to him, her optics going slightly wide.

   "Bumblebee!" Knockout and Starscream had managed to grab a hold on the bot. Knockout transformed his free servo to his saw, putting it up ton Bee's neck cables. Optimus narrowed his optics. What was going on?

   A thud then came from behind Frost, a deep dark chuckle immediately following. Frost turned around and glared at Megatron, transforming her cannon back to her servo. "Why hello Frostbite... It's been- How dare you smack me!" He shouted. Frost only smirked. Megatron growled. "You come back with me, or your bug dies." He said. Frost glanced at Bee, then at her father, who looked confused.

   "I'm not going back with you! Not after all your lies! I gained my memories back, did you forget?!" Frost shouted. Megatron narrowed his optics and grabbed her arm, pulling her closer.

   "You will come back with me and become one of us once again, whether you like it or not." He growled.

  "Never.. "

   Megatron let go of her then nodded to Knockout. Right before Knockout could do any harm Bee, Frost turned had transformed her servo back into a cannon, shooting it at Doc Knock's arm. Knockout winced, taking a few steps back to keep his balance, the focean of the shot having had pushed him back.

   "Hey! Watch the paint!" He shouted.

   Frost smirked, "no." Knockout growled.

   "Enough! Frostbite, you will come with me!" Megatron growled, grabbing a hold of her again as he began dragging her off.

   "Let go of me!" Frost screamed. Optimus grabbed Frost's free arm, setting his other servo on Megatron's shoulder-plate. He pulled Frost away.

   "Explanation. Now." Optimus ordered. He glared at both his brother and daughter. They stayed silent for a moment, Megatron eyeing his brother curiously.

   Optimus' voice suddenly went deep, sounding dark and angry. It startled them unexpectedly.

   "Your daughter joined my cause just after she crashed on earth," Megatron started.

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