Chapter 5

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The Autobots talked to each other silently, but quickly. The only way they could save Frost is by getting the CSP form Soundwave. Nightstar commed Soundwave. "::Soundwave? There is something we must discuss, something important.::" Optimus looked at Arcee and Bee. "Me, Nightstar, as well as you two must come with, in case Soundwave does not agree..." Arcee nodded, but Bee shook his helm.":I need to stay here, to watch her!:" Optimus sighed. "Alright." Nightstar turned to them. "We are meeting at the location we gave him." Optimus nodded. Ratchet opened the bridge. "Autobots, let's go." Those that were going, nodded and walked through. The bridge closed behind them. Bumblebee sighed, and sat next to Frost.

As the bots came through the portal, they looked around. Soundwave came, flying by as he landed. Nightstar walked up to him. "Did you bring it?" Soundwave nodded, taking out the CSP. Nightstar reached out to grab it, but Soundwave moved it away from her. He the played a recording. "Why do you need this?" Nightstar narrowed her optics. "You know very well why we need it!" "Is that so?" Soundwave asked, using another recording. Nightstar growled. "Soundwave! Our sisters life is at stake!" She shouted. She gasped, covering her mouth. Arcee widened her optics. "Soundwave is a Pax?" she asked. "N-no he's not!" Nightstar said. "We don't have time for this! Give it to me Soundwave!" Soundwave gave it to her. Nightstar snatched it, then started walking in the opposite direction. "You should of told me she was having one of those dreams again. I was serious, I didn't know." Soundwave said. This voice was different, one that the Pax family hasn't heard in a long time. Arcee was only confused. Optimus and Nightstar looked at him. "Sorry, Soundwave." Nightstar sighed. "It's alright." he replied.

After calling for a bridge, the bots had left, and Soundwave flew back to the Nemesis. Arcee looked at Nightstar. 'Was that hi-" "Don't." Nightstar said, cutting her off. Arcee looked at her confused, as she walked away. Nightstar went over to Bee. Optimus was with him and Frost. "We got it. We just need to hook her and someone else to it, then we'll be ready." ":I'll do it.:" Bee said. "Are you sure?" Optimus asked. Bee nodded, ":If it means saving Frost, the love of my life, then there is no way I will ever say no.:" Optimus smiled. "Then do it, and be careful." Nightstar said. Bee nodded. He picked up Frost and carried her to the med bay. The others followed.

After connecting the two, Bee's optics went offline. "He's in." Ratchet said. They all looked at Frost and Bee for a bit. Arcee then spoke up. "Now, doesn't Nightstar and Optimus have something to say?" Everyone looked at the said bots. Optimus sighed, shaking his helm. "We will not speak of it." "It?" Arcee asked, "you mean him?" Everyone looked at Arcee. Bulkhead, Jackie, and Ratchet were confused. Optimus narrowed his eyes. "He already sad no!" Nightstar said. Arcee shook her helm. "I thought we were a team. Teams don't keep secrets." "Well this one does." Nightstar said. The two femmes glared at each other. "Arcee..." Optimus started. She growled. "I'll be out..." She transformed and drove away. Optimus sighed, and walked off. Nightstar sat next to Frost. "They're catching on sis..." she said, sighing. Wheeljack sat next to her. Nightstar looked at him.

"I get it. Your not ready to tell everything. That's fine by me." Nightstar smiled. Wheeljack kissed her cheek. "Why don't we hit the hay? It's been a long day." he said. Nightstar looked back at Frost. "You two get to recharge. I'll watch them." Ratchet said. Nightstar nodded, "Alright." Ratchet watched the two leave as he smiled to himself. He sighed after a moment, and got to work on things. He noticed that Frost's vitals were off. "Hmm..." Bumblebee started whirring things in his sleep. Ratchet looked at him for a moment. "I wonder..." he said. He connected his screen with the CSP, so that he could see what Bee was seeing. His optics widened. He watched as Bee picked up Frost, before he started running down the hall. He was looking through every door. Megatron was right on his tail. "Come on Bee... You can make it..." Ratchet said. Bee smashed through the only door closed. The screen then went black. Ratchet looked at Bee as he jerked awake. "Bumblebee?" Ratchet asked. Bee looked at him, then disconnected himself from the CSP. They looked at Frost as she began to sit up. She looked at her sparkmate. Her optics watered as energon tears trailed down her faceplate. She hugged him tightly. "Thank you, Bee." She said. ":Your welcome.:" Bee replied, hugging her back.

Ratchet commed the others, saying that the two had awaken. Everyone was in the room within two minutes. Arcee came a little after. Nightstar hugged her sister. "Oh thank goodness your awake. Thank you Bee!" Bumblebee nodded. Optimus smiled. "Optimus, I have a question." Ratchet said. Optimus looked at him. "What is it, old friend?" Ratchet looked at Frost, then back to the Prime. "If Frost is a Dream Rider... then how was Megatron in it?" Everyone looked at the medic, then at the Prime. Optimus sighed, "Megatron is also a Dream Rider, as to why he was in her dream." Everyone's optics widened. "Hey Doc, is there a way to stop those kind of dreams?" Bulk asked. Ratchet shook his helm. "I, and other medics, have studied Dream Riders for a long time... You can't stop the dreams of the Dream riders, or else it offlines them."

"Well then, at least we know how to save her, if she ends up in one of those dreams again." Jackie said. Ratchet nodded, then turned to Frost. "How do you feel?" "I feel fine, a little off, but fine." Ratchet nodded and scanned her, just in case. He nodded, "Alright. Now you all be off! I have work to do." Everyone headed out. Ratchet hooked his scanner to the monitor. He look at and through things. "Hmm... why would th- by the Allspark..." Ratchet's optics widened. "What is this...?"

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