Chapter 6

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It's been a good four weeks since the nightmare happened. Frost was back on her peds, walking and dancing, though she wasn't aloud out for awhile because of what the dream had done to her. It wasn't anything bad, just made her weak. Ratchet would do check ups on her every now and then. He seemed busy, like if there was something big going on, but he wouldn't say anything about it. He would just shoo them away. They even got a new comrade, Smokescreen. He was like a copy of Bee! One day, the entire team, other besides Ratchet and Frost, had gone out, collecting energon. They had found a giant energon vein. After a good hour they had come back with piles of energon in their arms. "Is that it?" Frost asked. Optimus shook his helm. "There are loads more, Kid." Wheeljack said. "I'm only three years younger, Jackie." Wheeljack chuckled.

Frost had asked to help out, and after a whole lot of talking, they agreed. Frost helped Smokey out with the energon he carried. The funny thing, is that Smokey and Frost knew each other since they her sparklings! "Seriously? That's how you and Bee met?" Smokescreen asked. Frost nodded, the two laughing. "So, where's Sky? I haven't seen her since I left." Frost stopped in her tracks. "Frosty?" he asked again. "L-let's not speak of her... Please..." Smokescreen raised an optic ridge. "Did she offline?" Frost glanced at him. "Didn't you hear me? I said not to speak of her." "She's dead, isn't she?" Frost growled. "She's not dead!" "And how do you know that?" "I can feel her, our connection may be weak, but she's still alive!" "Oh really, then where is she?!" "She's not here!" The two fought for a good while, 'til Optimus came over.

"What is going on?" he asked. "Nothing..." Frost said. "Nothing? Really?! Optimus, where is Sky?" Optimus stared in confusion. "We know not of her whereabouts." he said. "So she is dead?" "SHE IS NOT DEAD!" Frost said, punching Smokescreen. The two ended up fighting with each other. Optimus tried to pull them away from each other, but failed to do so. Smokescreen eventually knocked her to the ground, him pinning her down. Frost growled. "Get off me! Let me up!" she yelled. "No! Not until you admit it!" he yelled back. "SHE IS NOT DEAD!!!" Frost growled out her words. Her optics flickered a yellow-orange color for a mere moment before turning blue again. Smokescreen widened his optics and scurried off of her. "Y-your optics!" "What about my optics?!" she snapped. "Th-they turned orange!"

Everyone was confused. I mean, how could blue optics turn orange? Frost growled. "Maybe, it's me being really angry! It's probably getting to you!" "No it's not! I really saw them change!" "Prove it!" Frost shouted. "B-but I can't!" "Oh? Why not?!" Smokescreen looked around frantically. "I-i don't know, maybe cause your optics are blue again?" Frost growled. "First you try to convince me that my sister is dead, now you claim that my optics turned orange?! What is wrong with you?!" Smokescreen frowned. "What is wrong with me?" "What is wrong with ME?! You are the one with color changing optics!" "I am not!" "Optimus, tell her!" Smokey and Frost looked at Optimus.

He sighed. "I did not see." "You see, it didn't happen!" "Yes it did!" Smokey said. He pushed her, knocking her to the ground. Frost stared up at him."I-i I didn't- S-sorry..." Smokey said, realizing what he did. Frost got up and started picking up the blocks of energon she had dropped. She glared at him and walked off. Smokey followed. "Hey, I said sorry." "Leave me alone..." she muttered. "Bu-" he started, getting cut off. "I said leave me alone!" She dropped her energon blocks again, and landed a punch on his faceplates. Smokescreen stumbled backwards. His optics widened. Frost growled and walked off, leaving the energon behind. Smokey narrowed his optics. "I thought we were friends Frost. I said sorry. You know that." Frost stopped in her tracks. "How long has Sky even been gone? How do you know that the feeling just decided to stay behind? How do you know that she isn't dead? What if Mech found her? What if Megatron has her? Does she even remember you?!" He walked over to her, yelling at her. "She's probably out in space! You'll never see her again, you gotta understand that she is no more!"

Frost clenched her servos. Her optics watered. She wiped them, and glared at Smokey. "Skyfrost. Is. Gone." Smokey growled out. Frost shouted out, and attacked him. The sound of shifting gears was heard. She transformed to a predacon. Standing on all fours she would be taller then Optimus. She jumped on him, knocking him to the ground. She roared out, the sound echoing all around them. Smokey's optics widened. "Y-y-your a-a P-p-predacon!" Everyone's optics widened. Frost reached out to bite Smokescreen, but he scurried from underneath her just in time. He stood up, backing away. Frost watched him, growling as she did so. She looked around at everyone. "Frost-" Frost roared out at Optimus, who had started talking. "Please lis-" Frost roared again. Optimus started forward, making Frost growl. Optimus put his servos out in front of him. Frost snapped her jaws shut, nearly missing him.

Optimus backed away. Frost leaned her helm back, her back and neck starting to glow. Optimus' optics widened. "Everyone back!" he shouted. Everyone turned and ran. Frost aimed her snout at them as she opened her jaws wide. Fire shot from her mouth. Optimus dropped to the ground, avoiding the fire. A ground bridge suddenly opened near Frost. Bee came through, coming for more energon. His optics widened seeing Frost. ":Frosty?:" Frost's helm snapped towards him. She growled out. Bee ran off, joining the others. ":Who angered her?!:" he said, as they avoided another blast of fire. "You knew she could do that?!" Smokescreen asked. Bee narrowed his optics. ":What did you tell her?:" "I-" Smokey started. His optics widened as he looked up. ":She's behind me, isn't she..." Smokescreen nodded, running off. Bee did too, right before Frost was able to attack. ":I'm blaming you Smokescreen!!!:" Bee shouted.

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