Trapped a.i

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It was an endless cycle devised, plotted and engineered by management. Live or die.
Yet either alternative course; freedom wasn't an option. It was like
signing your self to Satan, giving him the right to do anything to you. There was no way of redemption. It was like saying
why would I want to go to heaven when all my friends were in hell.
This diversion all seemed to come together after the revolution between all corrupted, which overwhelmed the rulers of this system. They thought it was level-headed. I beg to differ.

There is no in between. Either you were rich and satisfied or you were poor and left in trepidation. However, I knew the truth. Ever since I was 6 its been woven into my soul, reminding me of the duty I hold upon many. "Fear is nothing more than an obstacle that stands in the way of progress, freedom and even a whole new revolution."

When I awoke I inhaled the salty aroma that has bounded itself with the chemicals of this polluted civilization, as I steadily shuffled down the winding path that guided me to my camp with dust in tow.

Creatures that are beyond human, with rigid coats and gritty nails lurk, underneath their cold faces, waiting. They would shield them selves in many forms of transparency and then they would wait for their time to reek havoc and fright among the strong witted survivors who dared to enter the vast city streets. They were something that was created by the incumbency. To fool us. To lure into their traps. Young girls and boys between the ages of 10-20 were targeted. Men and Women older were usually sent north, to work with nation dressed in white. Unfortunately this is where my family ended, as we are their pawns in their sick little game of chess.

Usually consisting of the three of us, today I was alone, consumed by the bitter emptiness of my mere camp. Well, I say camp, I mean the insubstantial trench, masked by the intricate details of Autumn leaves. Who knew something so insignificant and delicate could mask out something so immense. Layla and Ashton were my accompanists. We met long before this drastic change in society and we were even associated as friends back then, however, now we were the few of many survivors that haven't been obtained by the regime.

It seemed to be as of midday, the sun was at its highest and if you closed your eyes you could almost deceive your self into concluding it was just a normal day.


I never considered my future to be like this. I'm a 17 year old girl for crying out loud, slowly and subtly, swerving to the brink of a break down. Maybe I should allow them to find me and end this game of cat and mouse.


"LAYLA, ASHTON!" Birds withdrew themselves from their homes, as I called out for my beloved survivors. The crunching of twigs echoed under my viridescent combat boots, as I ran through the immeasurable forest. I was idiotic for letting them go, hell I fatuous to shout, they could find me. No matter how far I searched, or how fast I ran, they were nowhere to be seen. How could I have let this happen? We were going to get through this together. Sweat trickled down my forehead, my pants where winding me. How long have I been running? The darkness began to stalk me. They've been captured. The only ones keeping me sane have been abstracted from my sight.

A back pack and a sun hat was all keeping me company now. No more wild, dirty blonde curls, belonging to a over childish teenage boy or the jade- cat like- eyes in possession of blonde, petite 16 year old girl, I was now alone- trapped.


Update!! 😁🙌(Can we see emojis on here?)

I know Ash is 20 but shh my baby:3

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