the Omega Prince

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SeokJin let out a deep sigh as he plumped down on his bed's soft mattress. Its soft and warm. abundance of pillows to make sure that it was comfortable. But right now, it was anything but comforting for him.

He looked at the dark sky visible outside the large glass walls of his penthouse. It was dark, overcast with clouds. The afternoon  sun hidden behind the thick layers of clouds and somehow making the sky appear even more dark. It declared that was gonna rain soon. And the drops of the rain will shatter on the glass walls, creating a beautiful yet sad melody. Any other day, SeokJin would have anticipated the rain. He loved rain, loved the sounds, loved the smell the of earth when first rain hit the dry ground, loved how the streets go quiet during downpours.

Any other day, Seokjin would have ordered his attendant to bring him a cup of tea or hot chocolate ( depending on the time of the year), played some studio ghilbi piano or alternative rock music ( depending on his mode) and mused about what could have been.

But sadly, today was not one of those days.

Throughout his life, there has little about it that he  has had any control over. Being born in the royal family meant that nothing of your life is your own. It belonged to his dynasty, his people and his country. He had learned that very early on as a child. He grew up learning and training hard to be the Alpha king, to take care of his kingdom. He knew his life would never be his, but what he didn't know was that he would be treated as an object.

That was until he presented.

He remembers exactly how his world turned upside down. How disappointed his father's were and how his mother cried a river.

The day he presented as a Omega.

Yes,  SeokJin, the next in line, the heir to the kingdom had presented as a Omega. And that had sealed his fate.

SeokJin had always heard from his Beta friend Yoongi how Omegas were treated with neglect due to his status, even in the 21st century. He had always thought the way of thinking Omegas are less was backdated and vowed to change things when he ruled the country. He had also believed his parents would support his cause, since in his eyes, they had been very open minded.  

What an irony!!

Never in a thousand years did he thought that he might be treated differently by his family because he was a Omega.

But he was soon disillusioned.

His status as an Omega lost him everything. He was deemed to be unworthy of taking over the throne. He was no longer allowed to train in battle or join military service, he was no longer even allowed to travel outside the Castle without company . As if all at once his rights as a human had ceased.

What was worse,  is that his father no longer took interest in him, his mother only looked at him with pity. He hated it, absolutely hated his existence.

He remembers his first heats, how he endured the agonising pain and begged for death. They were absolutely lowest point of his life.  

He hated how his body would beg for an alphas company and hated that he was so defenseless. He was absolutely disgusted with himself.  

But things had changed somehow, with the growing movement of Omega rights in his country, his father had somehow mellowed down. He was allowed to complete his studies in college and his father let him have his own place in the capital, showing that he loved his Omega son just as much.

Of Course all of that was a facade, a way of appeasing the countryman. His father still hated him for presenting as Weak omega

Still SeokJin was somewhat content. After all, beggars can't be choosers. But he hated himself for being so weak that he was content with being an ornament for his father to show off.

Looking back now, perhaps he had never hated himself as he does now.

This is the lowest moment of his life. And yet, he knows he would go through without any protest, he would do what his father asked him off. He  would be his perfect little omega prince. His perfect little pawn in the game of chess.

No opposition,  no hint of rebellion, no protest.

SeokJin was that weak.

In order to strengthen and secure the future of his kingdom, his father has arranged his marriage.

With another prince. An Alpha prince. A complete stranger.

The wedding is in a month. There isn't enough time to know each other, much less to fall in love.

Love? What a joke. SeokJin knows he will be doomed to a loveless and possibly  abusive marriage for life.

But he is weak. he will go through it.

In one month, he will marry the heir to the bordering country.

Crown Prince Taehyung.

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