How close you are

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Taehyung stands alone at the shore, watching the sunset. He is knee submerged in the sea water, the ocean looks ethereal in pale pink and deep orange. Part of him wants to dissolve into it become sea once again.

After his talk with Jin, he regretted breaking off the marriage. He wanted to go back in the room and tell Jin he couldn't do it, couldn't stay far from him.

But he held off. Something inside him broke when Jin told him their night together was a mistake, when he said the marriage was a trade off of his freedom.

He had hoped, really hoped that Jin had remembered something, had offered himself to Tae because he had finally identified him as his soulmate. But he was wrong. Jin didn't remember. Even after having each other in most intimate way, he didn't remember anything. Yes, Taehyung loved his moon, but the person in front of him, even though looked exactly the same, had no memories of their past lives. Jin is still very lovable, yes, but without his memories, is he the moon at all?

Taehyung looks into the sky, the moon is hazy and barely visible over the setting sun. His alpha howls at the rejection of its mate. His eyes become glassy, just like in his life, the moon in the sky seems faded.

He wonders what he did wrong to deserve such torture. He has gave up eternal life, gave up his life and even gave up heaven to be with his soulmate . He had imagined a thousand scenario about what barriers he might face to marry Jin. But ever have he ever thought what he would do if Jin didn't love him back. Now that it has happened, he didn't know what to do, didn't know how to bear the pain. He has lost his moon time and again. But everytime he had been sure Jin would wait for him, that they will meet again. This time though, he feels he has lost his moon forever.

"TAEHYUNG" a loud shout came from the other side of beach. Tae would know the voice anywhere, he had spend thousand years remembering it. He turned to see that he was right, Jin was running towards him, running like his life depended on it. Running on the sand is never easy, and soon enough Jin's legs got caught with each other and he fall. But before Taehyung can react, Jin gets up and runs again.

Jin is now close enough for Taehyung to clearly see his features. Tae's eyes widen in surprise to see that he is crying frantically. The Omega's distress hormone filling his nose.


As soon as Jin reach Taehyung he throws himself on him, uncaring of the water Taehyung was standing on. Jin is not a delicate and small omega and even though Taehyung is a strong alpha, the sudden force of a fully grown man is too much for him, specially because the sand under him starts to move away with the retreating wave. He wraps Jin around his waist as his legs strumble, then both of them fall into the water. As if some sort of joke another wave washes over them, successfully wetting them both.

But Taehyung doesn't care for any of that, as he sits them both up in the shore, not when Jin has just called him by his long lost nickname, not when Jin is holding onto him like a lifeline. His heart starts beating thousand miles a hour. Can it be? Should he dare to hope?

"I am so sorry" Jin says to him, his voice hoarse for all the crying. His face still pressed against Taehyung's cheeks. " I hurt you so much"

Taehyung doesn't have words to say anything. All he can do is wrap his arms around Jin, slowly, carefully.

Taehyung's lack of response seem to affect Jin as he starts to cry even harder, pushing his nose against Taehyung's scent gland. "I am sorry I didn't recognise you. I hurt you so much. I am sorry that I forgot you."

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