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This was a request by @syuperr and I hope you like it. (^ν^)
Also in my previous published chapter I asked you guys who you wanted me to make an imagine of and the result is Mark.
But a lot of you guys also said Yuta,Jaehyun and Haechan so I will consider them for future imagines.
Thank you to all the people who commented and voted on the previous chapter.
2years ago
He pulled out a small,black velvet covered box from his pocket and opened it in front of me revealing the complementary scarlet interior;a golden chain with my name twisted in golden italic,rested on a deep red cushion radiating it in its golden glory.

"Happy first anniversary." he smiled.

I hugged him tightly, "Thank you so much Taeyong."

He placed his arms around me spreading his warmth on to mine,but swiftly escaped himself from my tight embrace and reached his hands for the necklace and placed it around my neck.
"Anything for my princess."

Present time
Unconsciously I played with the necklace,my fingers lacing around the plate of my name,too deep into my thoughts of us.

What happened to us?

Is there even an us anymore?

I thought our love would blossom but it's withering away slowly like dead petals.
Whenever I ask him if he is free or whether he would like to go on a date,he will now always reply with a blunt no.
That one word tears me apart and shatters my world,when it shouldn't.
I don't want to feel an overwhelming abundance of rejection,or even have the thoughts of him not loving me anymore running around my mind.
But it's beginning to happen and I'm breaking. I'm falling for him,but the wrong way.

I laced my fingers through my hair like they were ribbons and then pulled the bunch of fine strands in frustration before letting go of them,freely cascading across my dull face.

Abruptly I stood up from my comfortable position and decided to clear these pessimistic thoughts by taking a walk.


Walking across the streets of busy Seoul isn't an ideal way to clear a mind with conflicting thoughts but it was definitely the best way to distract myself momentarily,letting me escape from my chaotic world.

My feet roamed me around the lively city,but my pace slowed down as I approached a cluster of cafes squatting close together on a crowded street.
The street was bursting with unique and indulgent aromas filling the atmosphere which was followed by the chitter chatter of numerous people.

I looked around in awe but my eyes widened in shock as I saw Taeyong with another girl,their hands intertwined.

I stood firmly at the end of the street,unable to move,my anger bubbling inside of me and my sadness forming into droplets of tears that were falling across my face.

I should have known that this would happen.

He never went out with me on our special days and had begun to talk to me less as each day passed by.

But still I created a web made up of lies and false hope which spun into a mask blinding me from the truth,hiding the cruel reality that I refused to face.
Now that mask was shattered into pieces and it was drowned in the tears of my crying broken soul,and it wasn't going to stop.

I looked like a fool.
Standing there draining my eyes out for someone that no longer loved me.
For loving a fool like him I had become a fool myself.
(A/N: *plays winner fool in the background* BABY I WAS A FOOOOLLLLLLLL)

He turned his head and noticed me,his eyes widened as large as saucers and he immediately let goes of the girl's hand and begins to approach me.
(A/N:*begins to sweat heavily and turns off the music* shoot he noticed me)

I ran.

I wanted to be as far away from him as possible,but my plan was short lived as I felt a sharp tug at my wrist,pulling me towards him making me turn and be confronted by his face.
I hung my head low not wanting to expose my vulnerable side more,but he lifted my chin with his finger.

"Don't touch me." I snapped moving my head away from him and breaking free from his grasp.

"It's not what you think I-."he defended.

"What the bloody hell is that then?"I questioned. "Don't even think of coming up with lies,cause I've had enough of you."

"But listen- " he continued.

"I don't listen to cheaters,"I cut him off again. "I thought we actually had something,I thought you were different but your not. Your just as deceiving as the others."

Forcefully I broke the necklace that was around my neck and threw it at him, "You can take this with you."

1 year later...
Taeyong's P.O.V
Ever since Y/N found out about my affair with another girl I felt guilty which is only natural when my actions caused something like this to happen.
But this sudden feeling of guilt latched onto me tightly and eventually became an emotional and mental burden.

I cut all connections with the girl I was previously in a relationship with,discarding the proof of my haunting actions.
I felt guilty.
Guilty for doing something like that to her.
Guilty for breaking her heart into two.
I felt empty without her.
I needed her.
I wanted her.
I wanted to be forgiven.

But where is she?

I'm a lost child trapped in a maze of my own sorrow and guilt.
A lost child that is begging to be forgiven and praying for another chance to repent their regretful actions.

I had to find her.Now.
To start a fresh page,a new chapter in this tragic book of our lives.
To start again.

I unlocked the door of my house and stepped out,beginning my search for her and immersed myself into my memories of her favourite places.

I searched high and low for her at her beloved places,but saw no signs of her anywhere.
As my search continued the night began to approach stretching its darkness across the barren sky,bringing my quest to an end.

I trudged my way to the bus stop whilst comforting myself that I can still
find her and as if by magic she appeared in front of me.

Standing near the bus stop,her beady eyes stared lifelessly at the street congested with cars blinking in the dark.

"Y/N."I mumbled.

She turned her head,her facial expression unchanged when she saw me.

"What are you doing here?"she questioned.

"I'm sorry,"I confessed. "I'm sorry I treated you like that and I promise I won't ever do that to you again. No one one in this entire world should be treated the same way I treated you.
I want to start another relationship with you again,start afresh and make more memories. I want to begin and end my life with you. I want to love you again."

Her expression changed giving me a soft yet fierce look.
"Apology accepted"she agreed. "But loving you again is going to be difficult perhaps impossible."

"It's okay I will make you love me again."

I hope you all like this imagine and if there are any mistakes I will correct them later.

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