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This was a request by @jaebums_mullet and I'm sorry it took so long.
I hope you enjoy it.

"Okay one more time." I whispered to myself as I stared at my dull reflection my body slowly degrading by lethargy.
I breathed in,inhaling the heavy air mingled with heat and humidity pushing itself down my throat.
My phone rested on a chair,playing the same song I have been endlessly repeating for the past hours.
I began to roll my shoulders back the rigid movement of my muscles and bones twisting I extended my arms outwards,swiftly twirling my wrists before I shot my arm upwards,grasping the air in my hand. Once more I drowned myself in the music and my body moved involuntarily in time with the beat,every ounce of energy I had in me being consumed until there was nothing left.

Fatigue now struck me and I fell on to the hard floor marked with faint outlines of soles. I closed my eyelids,heavy from a lack of sleep before pain achingly opening them,blankly staring at the ceiling.

"Maybe I can rest for just five minutes,"I muttered to myself. "No I can't rest now,I have to practice more,I will practice singing and rapping now."

I pulled myself up and slowly trudged my way to where my phone is and changed the song to chain by NCT 127,I grabbed the microphone resting beside my phone and began another cycle of never ending practice.

Haechan's P.O.V

"Chicken,chicken and coca cola,"I sang as I swung the plastic bag back and forth filled with foods I've been craving for. "Is the best combination chicken,chicken and coca cola."

"Wow your that excited about chicken huh Haechan." Doyoung chuckled.

"Of course I haven't had it for a while and I missed it so much."I pouted and patted away the absent tears on my face emphasising the sadness I had felt without it.

"By the way are we sharing the food?"

"What!Pffttt no!"I shouted and touched my chest hurt by the outrageous question he asked me. "I only share my food with special people."

"Are you saying I'm not special?"he questioned

"I mean you are special but not enough to share my precious chicken and coco cola."I explained and hugged the plastic bag. "Anyways we should go-woah dude do you hear that?"

"Hear what?"

"Its our song someone is singing it right now and their voice is flawless."I replied as I walked around,looking in all directions in search for the voice.

"Where are you going?"Doyoung asked.

"I'm trying to find the person who is singing our song."

"I will join you."

We walked down the corridor the voice of the person guiding us until we saw her right in front of our eyes,she was dressed in oversized clothes,her hair was swept back into a high ponytail so loose strands of her hair stuck to her face,accentuating her features.

"Wow she is pretty."Doyoung said in awe.

"She is,"I stared. "Wait I just realised that this is the part where Taeyong's rap begins. I wonder how she will do."

We leaned in closer to the window eager to hear the voice of this talented person and once we did we started cheering loudly,waving our arms wildly back and forth.

Your P.O.V

A burst of high pitched screaming rang in my ears and I immediately stopped rapping,frantically turning my head in every direction until two boys waving their arms behind a window caught my attention.
I walked towards the door, "Hi is there something that I can help you with?"

That's when I realised that the two people standing in front of me where the members of NCT.

"You were exceptional!"Haechan shouted. "Your singing and rapping was just amazing like what, where, how ,why have I never seen and heard of you until now."

"Thank you."I bowed.

"What's your name?"Doyoung asked. "My name is Doyoung and he is Haechan."

"My name is Y/N and I already know your names I mean you guys are one of the most popular k-pop groups."I rambled.

"Awww shucks you didn't have to say all that."Haechan blushed. "So who is your favourite member?"

"I'm sorry to say that I don't have one I mean I admire you all and you're my seniors."

"That's not the answer I wanted."he pouted and crossed his arms and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Well its been a pleasure to meet you Y/N but we have to go somewhere now,we hope to see you again soon."Doyoung smiled before forcefully tugging Haechan away who was still sulking and refusing to move.
He looked towards me and flashed a smile before tearing himself from Doyoung' grasp and running towards me.

"Here take this."he said and handed me a plastic bag. "You must be tired from practicing, take a day off today and don't practice too hard to the point where you get an injury okay?"

"Yes, I will try not to and once again thank you."I bowed.

"Well I'm going now,take care."he smiled and he ran towards Doyoung.

Haechan's P.O.V

"So I guess Y/N is more special than me."Doyoung stated as we walked towards a studio.

"Huh?"I questioned.

"You gave her the chicken and coca cola."

"I did." I smiled to myself. "She is special."

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