Chapter Twenty-eight Elonar

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Chapter twenty-eight

Elonar Stark

The winter dragged on for several long, frozen years. Naturally, the spring came faster in the south and as El had expected, the Lannisters were ready before El was. She had heard word that they rode north and she called her banners, soon Winterfell was filled with the preparations for war. She was training men, whilst trying to look after her two small children. Nearly a year after Lyara was born, El had a son, a beautiful golden eyed boy that they named Rickard.

El now, felt somewhat prepared now, she had an army that were working and fighting together, Stannis Baratheon and his army staying just north of Winterfell to attack when they are needed. "Our spies say, the Lannisters crossed the trident" Axel Umber said

"Who is yet to arrive?" Elonar asked, nervously tapping the table before her.

"Just house flint, Mi'Lady" said Galbert Glover.

Elonar nodded "we go to them, but not do far south we run straight into then, but we go somewhere near just north of Castle Cerwyn, so we have the advantage of the High ground and we are far enough away from Winterfell that we cannot be pushed back so far back into a siege situation" she said pointing and leaning over the map that lay across the table.

"I think some of us, should go to Torrhens Square and hornwood, so we have forces all over the north so we can surround the lannisters" Lord Manderly said.

"Good, I like that, lord Manderly, you are your bannermen shall hold hornwood and protect the east." Elonar said "and Lord Glober, you take yours and go west, the Torrhens square. The rest of us will ride for castle Cerwyn in the next fortnight, leaving Axel Umber, his men and the Tyrell men that are loyal to Garlan here, including Ser Francas." El commanded "anyone have a problem with that?, we fight until Stannis Baratheon arrives." A general no, was murmured around the hall. "If that is all, make preparations, good night and we will meet again in the morning." She rose and left the hall.

"She's incredible, isn't she?" Galbert Manderly said. "I only met her two weeks ago and I trust her with not only own my life, but with the whole bloody north" he laughed.

"I completely agree" Alysane Mormont agreed, "and she'll fight for the north, she's for nothing else to do, if is as her I think I would do the same."

"Not in the way you think she is" Axel laughed, and nudged Garlan.

"I see why you would like her" Alysane patted Axel's shoulder and left smiling.

"You, my friend, are one lucky man" Axel slapped Garlan on the back.

"you have no idea" Garlan smirked. "She's wild." He laughed.

"I heard she intends to lead the army" The greatjon roared.

Garlan laughed "oh she will, and she'll do a better job than any of you" the hall erupted.

"The sad fact is Garlan, is that, it's incredibly true. She's a better man than most of us" Axel laughed.

"Indeed she is" Garlan smirked again "now I must be going to bed, I expect my wife is waiting for me" he clapped down on Axel's shoulder.

"What took you so long?" El asked as she undressed before him.

"I was listening to Axel Umber, ramble on about hoe incredible you are and every other lord, adding their own opinions." Garlan said pulling her in.

"And what did you say?" El asked pulling his shirt up over his shirt.

"I said, I was a lucky man" he smiled placing his hands on her waist and lifting her up.

"What If the Lannisters kill us all?" She said, her face turning ashen grey.

Garlan placed her down gently, he sighed and looked at her sadly, "you know what I want to say"

She nodded "I told you so" she but her lip.

"But, we have a chance, to hold them off until Stannis comes" Garaln said, he began to walk away but El grabbed him arm and held him.

"We have to try Garlan, we are here now, we are stuck in the mistakes I've made,a lot his time, I've tried and tried to undo what Robb did. But I ended up making so many similar mistakes." She said leaning into him. Garlan didn't answer, he just held her against him and stroked her hair "now, im scared I'll loose you too."

Garlan kissed her forehead "my love, I'm terrified" El bit down hard on her bottom lip and chewed at to stop the tears. "I can't imagine a world without you El" Garlan grabbed her face and looked deep into her eyes. "I know, that you are strong enough to live In a world without me, whereas I know I am not that strong" El didn't deny it, in all honestly she thought she might be able to live without him she might, get on if he died, just not at first. He was her whole world, her other half, her favourite person in the world, she needed him and he needed her, that was how it worked, that was how it always would work, unless one of them was gone. She breathed in, and closed her eyes, he placed his lips on hers and his hands on her waist.

"What are you doing?" She asked as he untied the strings of his breeches.

"I am, making the most of what I have, in case I loose it" El smiled at his response. He laughed a little then processed to kiss her, and let his breeches fall aside, El smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck, drawing his lips back to hers. Garlan lifted her, as if she was weightless and throw her onto the soft skins of the bed, She pushed his hair back from his face and kissed his neck.

El was so used to him, the way he'd move, how he'd do everything, how he could never keep his hands off her thighs, how he'd runs his fingers through her curls but they would get stuck in a knot and he'd give up and kiss her neck, after he always would spread himself out so he took up near the whole bed, but El would always curl up beside him, and put her leg over him. She knew he loved it when she would wake him up by breathing lightly on the back of his neck, if he was gone, she couldn't imagine being able to know another man like she knows him, a man who'd let her win, a man who would let her cry one minute and kiss the next. She loved him, every single part of him and everything thing he did she loved.

And after as he always did, she curled up beside him with one leg over him, she lay of hand of his chest and moved her fingers in tiny circles on his chest, pulling gently at the hair, feeling every contour of his stomach muscles, feeling as his chest rose and fell slower and slower as his body relaxed, Garlan kissed to top of her head "are you tired" he asked.

She shrugged "tired, but to scared to sleep"

"Roll over" he said jerking his head, and she did, slowly he pushed himself up and spread his legs so they were either side of her, she tilted her head to one side and smiled a little. Garlan rubbed his hands together to warm them, then he lightly rubbed her back, at first digging deep so hard it almost hurt and then touching her so lightly she nearly didn't feel it. She was half asleep when he climbed off her she moaned as he flopped back down. El turned her head and opened her eyes a little "go to sleep my dear, I'll keep you safe" he then wrapped her in his arms and she outstretched hers around his stomach, soon she fell asleep, curled up wrapped in his arms. "I love you" he whispered, but she was to far gone to hear.

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