76 - Finale // Elonar

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Having no other reason to stay in the capital other than El's oath taking that would happen the next morning, Elonar and Garlan made plans to travel to Highgarden for the foreseeable future they were to stay there or at least until Lord Mace died;Then El would inevitably have to return to Winterfell. El had decided that her children should return to Winterfell with Axel with she and Garlan went alone to Highgarden.

El hated it in Kingslanding and she hated how no one was straight with each other, always scheming and playing one another. She held a rather firm view that if you have a problem with someone you should just have it out with them then and there not to wait and plan revenge on them and their family.

She always somehow like a fish out of water among the other ladies in court. El looked like them, in a matter of her dresses and the way she wore her hair. She could even play the part of one of them, through mannerisms, formalities and graces. But it was just an act, El doing herself longing to be either riding or fighting with the men or simply being alone with Garlan. Perhaps, El's social confusion came from the lack of noble ladies in El's court; the only ladies El had around court were Alysane Mormont, who was even less of a lady than El was, and servants.. She made a mental note to call some of her lords daughters to court for when she returned, she was going to need someone to talk to while she was going to be away from Garlan. She certainly wasn't a typical wife- nor woman. El nearly snorted just thinking about it one night when she couldn't sleep, el had certainly never learned the various graces that most woman had learned.

It wasn't that El didn't want to be a lady, and be like her sister. It was just that El could name countless activities she'd rather be putting her time into other than sitting around in a circle sewing or braiding one another's hair. However now that El was older, she'd learned that in order to be taken seriously as a Lady, she must look and act the part, and when she realised that El suddenly begun to regret all the wasted lessons of her mothers she'd ignored. El could imagine what her mother would say if she could see her now. Shaking her head and her auburn hair bouncing as she rolled her eyes, and tutting El after every mistake she made but that warm smile creeping into the corners of her thin lips. In truth Elonar had never been as close to her mother as she would have liked, Catelyn had always favoured Robb, the boys, then Sansa, and Arya and El. As hard as her mother tried with El and Arya, they were the sort of girls not made for court graces and high manners, nor acting particularly lady like; El more so than Arya.

Gods where was Arya? El wondered, last el saw her was her father execution and only that previous morning they'd been planning their escape home to Winterfell, she certainly did not believe that her sister was dead, not by many means. Arya, she sighed. Wild as any wolf and fierce too, in a way that El never could be. Her younger sister always had something in her a sort of desperation for freedom possibly. If her father hadn't have been executed and they'd have grown up happily in Kingslanding things would have been so different, gods imagine Arya being married off, el almost laughed. Inevitably el probably would have had to accept she too would be married off, most certainly sooner than Arya. El sighed thinking about her family. She truly took them all for granted when she had them and when they were all pulled form beneath her so quickly. How could there only be El and Sansa left now? Even Jon was surely dead now, after his fellow nights watch men murdered him, even her poor poor little brothers.

Nearly 10 years had past since she'd left Winterfell with Sansa, Arya and their Lord father, in those years El had avenged Robb and Mother like she had sworn by Jon to do. She'd reclaimed all her families lands, previously granted to the Bolton's and fought to defend her position. Elonar stark had done everything she had initially set out to do, secured and protected her lands by any means she needed to, and she would have never ever expected that her married to Garlan would be anything more than formalities and her possible children nothing more than a means to secure her dynasty. But both Garlan and her children had become of such importance to her in ways she didn't realise could be important..

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