Meeting the parents:

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I: "Magnus Bane... why does this name sound so familiar??
Magnus: Your parents used to live here before they died. They gave you to me, but the risk was too big so I took you where your father was raised!At an orphanage, here in Athens. I was visiting you frequently but I was erasing your memories so you'd be safe."
I: "Wait I remember you, but ahhh ahhh"
Magnus:" Don't push your self. It's ok.
I have something you might wanna see...... Your mother's stele. Your fathers was destroyed but..."
He gave me the stele.
I took it to my hand and started xamining it.
Alec:"If you didn't have a stele, how did you make the runes?"
I: "Either Valentine or Jocilyn would make them for me, but sometimes it took one of their steles and make some other runes like this one." I said and showed them a rune at my arm.
Jace:"What can it do?
I: "Well, it helps me breathe under the water or at very big heights. Why are you asking? Aren't we suppose to know all the runes or something?"
Jace:" Yes, but this rune is not in the book!! Neither is the other one you showed me at your room your first day in the institute!"
I: "Then how did I draw them if they were not in the book??Wait... I didn't see them on the book, you are right. It was more like a vision when I was in danger. I drew this rune when I was about to drown in a mission with Valentine and Joclyn!"
Magnus: "An old friend told me that there were - and are shadowhunters with unique abilites.They have that kind of power because they were made from HIS blood."
I: "What are you talking about?? WHOSE blood?"
Magnus:" I am saying that you have pure angelblood, Clairy."
I: "But that can't be true..."
Magnus: You were controlled by a demon last night take a moment to breath it in."
I: "I need some air!"
I tried and succeed on getting out of there as fast as I could. When i has poutside I felt someone holding my wrist. Fortunately it was Jace, but I realized it was him when I put him on the cold ground.
Jace: "Easy tiger!! It's just me."
I: "Sorry I ..."
Jace: "It's alright. You are upset. We need to take you home and I am going to do so."
I nodded, got up and started walking holding his hand.
After a while we had gotten into my room:
Jace: "Are you gonna be alright?"
I: "I want you to stay for the night. If you are able and you want to, of course!!"
Jace:" Anything for my little tiger..."
He whispered to my ear and kissed my forehead.
Jace: "I'll go change and be here in ten minutes alright??"
I:" Alright."
I changed into a black shorts and a tanktop with green color. I was at the bathroom brushing my teeth and when I got out Jace was already there wearing only black underwear.
I: "Seriously?" I said and raised my eyebrow.
Jace: "What? This is how I sleep."
I: "Whatever my King says."
Jace: "King, hmm I like that- my Queen..."
He kissed my lips soft, but passionate at the same time.
I: "I love the way you always make me laugh!"
Jace: "And I love the way you laugh!"
We fell on the bed and I huged him. Before I knew it, I was asleep in his arms.It felt so safe, protected and secure when he is around me!That might sound crazy but I am in love with him and very much!!
I woke up in the morning at an empty bed. I sit and tried to get used to the light.
Jace:" Is my queen awake?"
I: "Good morning ,my king!"
I kissed him.
Jace:" I have a surprise for you, tiger!"
He got in the room holding a tray with cupcakes,orange juice,coffe and a rose.He gave me the rose.
I: "You didn' t have to. "
Jace:" I wanted to."
I: "Thank you, baby."
Jace: "Baby?"
He raised his eyebrow.
I: "Yeah why? You don't like it?" 😉😉
Jace: "I love it when YOU say it!"
I: "Really?😉"
Jace:" Really!😉"
We were kissing for almost a minute and then I got up, walked to the bathroom and he stayed there staring at me.
I: "What?😋"
Jace: "Nothing.😉"
I: "Be right back. And don' t do what you have in your head!"
Jace:" Mm... I don't know what you mean..😇😉"
He said with an innocent look on his face.
I: "You know exactly what..."    I said, locked the door and covered the keyhole .I changed into a pair of white  jeans, a royal blue top and my also royal blue sandals with a little heel. I put my hair into a braid and a little makeup. I unlocked the door and saw that Jace had already come back.
Jace: "Woah!"
He had changed into blue jeans,a (smoking hot) black leather jacket, white T-Shirt and sneakers.
I: "Come on we are gonna be late."
Jace: "Relax."
When we were at the parking I got to my motorcycle.
Jace: "Wild tiger!"
I laught a bit.
Jace: "Today we are taking mine though.Come on."
I: "Whatever my king says!"
His bike was way cooler then mine.
I: "Nice one!"
Jace:" We don' t want to be LATE, come on."
When we got to school some people were stairing on us but I didn' t care.We got to school holding hands.
I: I" have to go see Simon I see you at class alright."
Jace:" Ok little tiger."
I: "I am NOT little. You are just huge!"
Jace:" Whatever my little tiger says..."
I rolled my eyes, kissed him goodbye and some people were now staring at us even harder.
I:" Bye!"
When I saw Simon he seemed really angry.
Simon: "Where were you last night?"
I: "Ohh shit!! I am  sorry I forgot to call you.I wasn't feeling well so I got home.I totally forgot sorry, sorry ,millions of them."
Simon: "And what's up with you and Herondale?!"
I: "You mean Jace?"
Simon:" Yes him?"
I: "He is my boyfriend and ..."
Simon: "What do you mean he is your Boyfriend?? He is just playing with you!!"
I:" Simon are you ok??"
Simon: "No!!No, I'm not!! You need to break up with him ASAP!!!!"
I: "And why is that!!??"
Simon: "Because he just wants to have sex with you like the half school, and that is bc the other half are guys!!!He is the biggest player of the school!!!"
I: "No he is not what you think."
Simon: "Trust me I know him way better than you do!!I have seen him with half of the school!One day with one , the other day with another."
I: "No it is diffrent! He is different!!"
Simon:" No, he is not!!! He is the same old motherf*cker he was before!!!"
I:" Simon I am with him for a reason! And you can't tell me who I can or can't date!! Noone can this my choice and noone can tell me to do any diffrent that I want to!!Understood!!"
I left and went under a tree braw a bit with music so I could calm a bit.
The bell rang and I went to class.
Teacher:"Good morning students today we will....."
The day passed really quickly because I spent it with Jase, Alec and Izabelle.They were super cool.When I got home with Jace:
I: "I want you to meet Valentine and Jocelyn."
Jace: "What?!When??"
I: "I was thinking about tonight? I could make the dessert."
Jace:" So you are a sketching artist, a shadowhunter, a swimmer, a singer and a chef??"
I laughed
I: "I guess so..."
Jace: "Ok! Pick you up at 9 o'clock tonight?"
I: "Yeah!"
I kissed him at his cheek.
I: "You are super sweet you know that?"
Jace: "If you say so!See you tonight!"
I: "Να 'ξερες πόσο σε αγαπώ...(if only you knew how much i love you)"
Jace: "What?"
I: "Ohh!Haha sorry sometimes it happens without even realize it!I meant to say that I love you so much baby!!"
Jace: "Me too tiger!"
He kissed me, this time on the lips.
I: "Want to show you something come on."
Jace: "Ok."
I wanted to show him a new rune I discovered.I took him to my room.
I: "Wacht this."
I drew a rune and boom a portal was opened.
Jace: "How did you just......"
I: "I don't know."
I looked deep into his eyes and he was looking to mine.
Jace: "Clairy I wants you to know that your special. The way I feel about you, I have never felt this way for anyone! I know you might think that am just a ..."
I: "Don't! I love you!No matter what others say. No matter what they believe. I am here for you!"
Jace: "Clairy..."
He kissed me on the lips and with small steps we fell to bed
Knock knock
I: "Yes."
Joclun got in
Joclyn:" Honey, I was wondering if ... oh you have company>"
Jace: "Hello, Jace Herondale/Lightwood.Nice to meet you."
Joclyn: "I have to admit Clairy he is a handsome one!"
I: "Joclyn!"
Jace: "Thank you!"
Joclyn:" Would you like to join us for dinner tonight?'
I: "I wanted to say to you just that."
Joclyn: "Great, so it's on!"
Jace: "Thank you again."
Joclyn:"Ohh don't! Bye kids."
She pulls Jace
Joclun: "If you hurt her..."
I: "Joclyn!"
Jace:" Undersood!!!"
Joclun: "Good!!"
She got out.
Jace: "What a lovely  charming woman!"
I: "Haha Yeah!"
Jace:"You will come to the party, right??"
I:" I wouldn't miss it!"
Kissed him and again at the bed but unfortunatly my phone rang.
I: "Hello."
Stranger:" Miss Morgenstine"
I: "Yes, who is this?"
Stanger:" I am from the Clave, we would like to see you at the main room as quick as possible."
I: 'Alright. Should I be dressed a surten?"
Stranger: "If you could wear clothes you would wear on a mission"
I: "Ok. Thank you."
I told Jace and went to the bathrooom to change took my bag and got to the main room. There was, I think the head of the clave, with other 2 really buffed guys.
I: "You wanted to see me."
Head...:" Miss Mogerstine, y/es. As you are aware of your cermony of becoming a true shadowhunter is coming soon..."
I: "Yes, I have tried very hard and I am looking forward to it.They told me that it will be at my birthday at the fist day of January."
Head...: "You are corect and when you will become 19 years old you will be able to socialise with downworldes and also the missions will be more dangerous. That day is a special day. I like to informe people face to face. You are free to go."
I: "Thank you."
I got to Jace and told him what happened. We kissed and said that he had to go.A good friend of mine called shortly after. Her name is Heleni.
I: "Γεια σου Ελένη τι κάνεις; ( Hello Heleni how are you?)"
Heleni:"Καλά. Πως είσαι στο νέο σου σπίτι;(Good. How are you at your new home?)"
We continued talking almost for an hour for all sorts of stuff. I went training afterwords. I need to work on the achery a bit more. I took the arrows and the arc and went to the training room.I am getting better I think. I saw Alec a bit after.
Alec: "And I thought that I was the only one with an arc."
I: "I always liked the idea so here I am."
Alec: "A little trick is to lift your arm so you create an 90 degree angle."
I did it and it actually worked.
I: "Thanks."
Alec: "You are welcome. I need to go. Also both eyes open."
He winged at me and I laughted a bit.I continued with the arc and after an hour I took the blade.I must say that I like both but the blade is more convinient, at least for me. After the blade goes acrodatics and all of them with heels!!I must say I am getting used to this.I went to my room after sometime. I filled the bathtube with hot water and put classique music. The best way to relaxe.What a great day but I must finish my "homework". We were told to do something that is really important to our lives. I desided to make the orphanige where I grew up but I, eventually, made a site of Crete. A sea where I loved to go when my school went for 5 days, deep in the woods!! It was there where I first leared ,by my friends, to swim. Yes I leared to swim at 15. It come out pretty good. Ok now we will let it dry and I have exactly 1 hour to get ready for dinner.My mum cooked lobster and I made the dissert: My special Chocolate moush with jade pomegranate.
Jace came around o'clock e gave me and Joclyn flowers, to me red roses, to Joclyn white daises, and to Valentine a red wine from France. We had so much fun! After the dinner me and Jace got to his room.He " helped me with my dress"😉😄He was amazing. The best night I've ever had!!(If you get what I mean!😉)

We are so sorry but there were some technical problems.Enjoy!😉

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