Ereri [fluff]

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"You little brat!" Levi screamed at Eren, "You spilled all over the floor! My floor! Clean it up!"

"If you hadn't tripped me, we wouldn't be in this mess would we now?!" Eren snapped back at him. It felt good to finally get back at the captain.

"Come on you two!" Petra ran over, "Please stop fighting," she tried pulling the two away from each other.

"Stay out of it, Petra!" Eren bellowed and tackled Levi, who punched him in the gut.

Petra kept trying to pull them away, but it was no use. She was hit by accident, but neither of the boys noticed.

"Petra," Hanji said from across the room, "let them handle it."

"But Hanji, one of them could get hurt!" She protested.

"They're not going to get hurt."

"Didn't you see last time? Eren was spitting up blood!" She cried and took a step back.

"Maybe, but-"

"Is there any way we can get them to stop?" Petra interrupted.

"Follow me," Hanji said. Petra followed, leaving the boys in an all out fist fight, probably to the death.

"What are we going to do?" Petra asked, after Hanji sat her down and handed her a fresh cup of her special tea, which was probably toxic.

"They love each other you know," Hanji said, casually.

"But then why hurt each other! I mean, like that's terrible. Hanji, are you sure?"

"Here, let's do an experiment," she took a sip of her tea, "We lock them in a room together, let's say for three days, or until they stop fighting," she lived, so her tea wasn't toxic.

"They're not going to agree to that though."

"That is why we set them up, trap them," Hanji chuckled deviously.

"How?" Petra set her tea down.

Hanji thought, "We tell Levi that there's something in need of cleaning in maybe the cell I'm thinking of locking them in. Then we knock him out and then send Eren in there, just because he needs to clean it because he screwed up and then lock them in with barely enough food and water to survive!" Hanji was up and dancing around at her insane plan.

"I suppose, but what cell?"

"The one way glass. We can see in, but they can't see out."

"Don't hurt Levi though," she was a little on edge. She did have feelings for Levi, but she wasn't going to make him love her.

"I can't promise anything," Hanji got up to perform her plan.


"Levi!" Hanji sang out later, after she set up the cell.

"What?" He called from his study.

"There's something in need of cleaning in cell three. Will you clean it please?"

Levi stood up, "Seriously? People are pigs," he walked out from behind his desk and picked up his cleaning supplies.

"Oh, you don't need to bring those, I have some downstairs already," she followed Levi out.

"Thanks, Hanji!"

In the cell, Hanji hit Levi's head hard, sending him crumpling to the floor. "Now for Eren," she set out for him. She only had a few minutes before Levi woke up. She brought a reluctant Eren down there, pushed him in and locked the door.

"What?!" He banged at the door, "Hanji!" He turned around. Levi shook his head awake.

"What happened?" He groaned.

"Hanji locked us in here!" He screamed.

"Great," Levi fixed his collar and wobbly stood up.

"What are we going to do?" Eren asked, frightened.

"I'm going to kill you," Levi walked over.

"Okay," he closed his eyes and waited for impact, but it never happened.

"At least she left us some food," he said. Eren opened his eyes and saw a basket of food and water, "Not much though."

Eren didn't saw anything.

"So we shouldn't be here for long, but were not going to eat much, just in case."

"Heichou, it's kind of cold in here," Eren shivered, "Are there any blankets?"

Levi was cold too, but didn't show it, "No."

"Damn Hanji," Eren cursed.

Levi and Eren sat in the silence, not fighting at all. Until the third day, "There's not much food left," Eren said.

"Because you ate it all!" Levi shivered angrily.

"I did not!" He protested.

Levi lunged at him. Even when he was cold, he was still powerful. He kicked Eren's shins and sent him to the floor.

"They're not making much progress," Petra told Hanji.

"Their fault," she shrugged and sent cooler air into the cell.

Levi stopped fighting Eren, "It just got colder," he grumbled.

"I know."

After a half an hour, Levi turned to Eren, "We might freeze to death at this rate," he looked down.

"I'm sorry heichou, but we could share body heat," Eren looked down in shame.

Levi scooted closer and brought Eren down on him like a blanket. He started unbuttoning his shirt and then lifted Eren's up.

"Sir! Wha- what are you doing?"

"It's warmer this way," he grumbled, embarrassed. He wrapped his arms around Eren, pulling him closer, thirsty for heat. His fingers and toes were numb and the rest of his body was covered in goosebumps and shivering, Eren in a similar state.

"When will we get out of here?" Eren whispered.

"I don't know," Levi hissed.


"Eren, look at me," Levi said. Eren looked at him. "Don't be sorry. I'm sorry I beat you up all the time though," Levi looked down in shame, "But just let me do this," his cool fingertips touched Eren's cheeks and Levi kissed him slow and sweet. "Sorry," he finished.

"No, don't be," Eren kissed Levi some more, they clasped hands, which lied above Levi's head and Eren pressed himself harder against the captain.

"Friends?" Levi asked, after Eren pulled away.

"With benefits?" Eren asked, jokingly, but afraid that was too much.

"Yes actually," Levi chuckled.

They kissed again, not hearing the cell door open.

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