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i know it's hard to imagine - but stick with me. love, this big word, has so much meaning. a four letter word: perhaps the deepest, most complex one in the dictionary. i'll spare you the textbook definition.

reading my story is the same as googling the definition. love is not simply a feeling. it is a choice. it is a struggle. a complex, complicated, difficult, draining, fearless adjective, noun, verb - love is everything. it's what makes the world turn. loving your mother; loving your father; loving your siblings; loving your pet; loving your neighbor; loving you.

loving you was an adventure in and of itself. a roller coaster of emotions — joy, anger, sadness, envy. i felt everything around you. despite the hardships, despite the long nights, the early mornings, and the tears shed, our love was a fairytale - at least as i pictured it. our love was my fantasy.

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