into you

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into you - ariana grande

The clock ticks rhythmically beside me, the seconds passing into minutes and minutes into hours. The tv provides background noise, my nose dug deep in a new novel I'd found recently. My phone buzzes on my nightstand, a notification from Harry popping up.

You free tonight? x

almost every night. whatcha got planned?

Dinner and a secret. Be ready in 2?

i suppose. what attire?

Casual. :)

I set my phone back down, closing my book and tossing it on the bed. I run my hands through my hair, crawling out from the comfort of my bed and trudging toward the bathroom. One look in the mirror is enough to confirm that I'd stayed in bed all day. Gracie comes galloping into the bathroom, twirling a few times before finding comfort on the floor mat.

After a shower and an hour of detangling and curling my hair, I make my way back into my bedroom to find an outfit. Casual.

"Gracie, what is casual to you?" I ask, rummaging through my closet and pulling out a pair of distressed jeans and a t-shirt. She only ignores me, continuing to sleep in the bathroom. Helpful.

I shrug my shoulders, deciding this was casual enough and throwing it on. I check the time, my limit of two hours quickly approaching, meaning he'd be here in any moment. As if on cue, the doorbell chimes from downstairs and Gracie erupts into a fit on barking and whining.

"Go get the door then, missy!" I laugh, sliding my shoes on and heading down the stairs.

I swing the door open, holding Gracie back with my foot and smiling at Harry. I squeeze through the small crack, shutting the door behind me and locking the door.

"A bit early." I inform him, checking my watch.

"Sorry. You seemed to be ready anyway." he smiles, pressing a soft kiss to my cheek. "Come on."

I follow him, my jaw dropping at the sight of a motorcycle parked in front of my house. It's been years since I've rode one, the excitement building up inside me.

"No way." I bite my bottom lip, examining the bike. "I knew you were sexy, I didn't know you were this sexy." I tease.

"Thanks?" he laughs, handing me a helmet. "Safety first young lady."

"Of course." I scrunch my nose, sliding the helmet on over my head and fastening the straps.

After he's situated, I climb on behind him and wrap my arms securely around him. The engine roars and he takes off down the street. I grip onto him tighter, resting my chin on his shoulder. He sways the bike back and forth, a quirky smile spreading over his face.

"You devil!" I holler, wrapping my arms tightly. He only laughs, clearly receiving the reaction he was hoping for.

After what feels like forever, he comes to a stop outside a cute, rustic diner. He removes his helmet, climbing off the bike and offering me his hand. I blush, accepting the gesture and sliding off.

"You don't seem used to my acts of chivalry." he points out, brushing his thumb over my tinted cheeks.

"I've never been in a serious relationship before. Well, in high school, but the one I had doesn't really count." I laugh softly, leaning into his touch.

"You can leave the helmet on the seat." he tells me, hanging his helmet off the handle.

"Ok." I set the helmet in the seat, following him into the diner.

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