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helium - sia

Seven months doesn't seem like a long time, but it felt like forever when I was with him. I know it's been years since we parted, but seeing him in the same bookstore we met sent me back to when I was twenty-five and in a deeper love than I could ever understand.

It's a melancholy feeling, remembering something you can never go back to. Knowing that no matter what, it'll never be the same, pure love as it once was.

I remember the kisses in the dark, dancing in the kitchen at 3 am, the midnight strolls downtown. I remember every laugh and inside joke; every coffee shared over a book; the first time he read a romance novel and cried. I remember him changing and me changing, each of us becoming the other slowly over time. It was a magical feeling.

It wasn't the same looking at him now. I still love him, but it's a past love; a love I could no longer understand nor have. I wish it wasn't like this, but it is.

Every good thing comes to an end.

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