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enchanted - taylor swift

Work drug on for what felt like days. My feet ache from the constant walking around, my head hurts from the constant bell dinging and customer complaints. Customer service was not the job I was made for, that's for sure.

Once the last customer is out the door, I flip the sign and lock the door.

"That was a long day." I sigh toward my coworker, Melanie.

"Agreed. I'm glad I'm off tomorrow." she responds, wiping down the last of her section. "You working?"

"No. I'm going to sleep all day." I laugh, wiping my tables down. "What're you planning on doing?"

"My parents are coming into town." she groans, rolling her eyes. She's never been a fan of her parents, claiming they were too overbearing and bossy.

"I'm sorry. I think Harry is taking me somewhere, so my sleeping plans might be interrupted."

"Oh, that's the name of this mystery fellow! Come on, now you've got to tell me more!" she squeals, clapping her hands. "Is he hot?"

"God damnit." I mutter to myself, clearing my throat. "Yes. He's very good looking." I respond.

"How is he... you know?" she winks.

"Oh, my god, Melanie!" My face turns beet-red at her suggestion. "I wouldn't know. It's only been two months."

"Hm. Seems you've been going on about him for years." she teases. "But let me know every detail when you know."

"I'll think about it. You almost finished?" I ask, leaning against the counter.

"Nearly, I've got one more table." she answers, wiping the table before walking back in the kitchen to dispose of her cloth. "Alright, lets party. I bet Harry's anxiously waiting on your arrival home."

"We don't live together, Mel." I shake my head, locking the door behind us as we head out.

"Boo. I think you should."

"I think you move too quick for my liking. We've only kissed, we're hardly close. Plus, I haven't even met his family." I inform her, unlocking my vehicle.

"I'll text you when I get home, okay? Drive safe." she informs me, climbing into her large pickup truck. I nod in response, waving toward her as she pulls out and I crank my engine.

The drive home is long, seeing as the restaurant I waitress at is nearly 45 minutes from home. I'm not sure why I chose to work there, but the pay was above average - for a waitress - and the people were honest and kind.

Once I'm finally home, I take a deep sigh of relief and walk inside, making sure to deadbolt the door. Gracie is instantly in my space, jumping up and down and wagging her tail.

"Hi baby." I coo, bending down to her level and giving her a bear hug. She squirms in my arms, slobbering sweet kisses all over my face and neck.

"Let's go outside missy." I laugh, standing up and walking to let her out, following behind.

The sky at this time of day is beautiful. Pitch black, iridescent stars shining through the sky while the moon casts a mellow light over everything. Night was my favorite time, for the reason that it is always a subtle reminder that I've made it through another day.

I smile as I watch Gracie, all of her pent up energy being used to run around in circles chasing her tail. It reminds me of my childhood dog.

"Come on, girlie." I call, holding the door open as she bolts inside and to her food bowl, letting me know it was dinner time.

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