all too well

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all too well - taylor swift

"Are we going to talk about this?" I ask quietly. He's sat on the bed, clearly frustrated with my decision.

What was I expected to do? Compromise my dreams and life goals for some guy? Despite my undying love for him, I had to see the bigger picture.

"Not right now." he responds, shaking his head.

"Yes right now. I need to know what you're thinking, Harry. Despite what you might think, I value what you have to say." I sigh, stepping closer to him. "I want you to come with me."

"I can't just drop everything and move across country for you! Would you do the same for me?" he exaggerates, standing up from the edge of the bed.

He slowly inches toward me, the space between us quickly diminishing. I remain silent, weighing my options. I sigh, pinching the bridge of my nose.

"That's not fair." I finally say. "This is a different situation. You have roots here. I don't."

"You don't? Then what the hell am I, a branch?" he scoffs, shaking his head at me. "Why don't you just go alone? You seem to be just fine on your own."

"Harry, you know that's not what I mean. Your
family lives here, my dads always away anyway." I explain, putting my hands on my hips. "Why would you go and say that?"

"Seems you're planning your entire future without me in it."

"Well, I'm sorry if Washington State has one of the best Psychology programs and that they accepted me. I want to be somebody Harry. I can't just revolve around you as if you're the sun. You're not. At some point, my education and career reigns supreme."

"I never wanted to be your sun. I wanted to be a star, or the moon, or something. I would go anywhere for and with you, but Ev, Washington is just too much to ask. This is my home."

"Then stay here."

He remains silent, shaking his head before turning around and pacing the bedroom. His fingers pinch his bottom lip, his heels clicking loudly against the hardwood floor.

"Why is that so easy for you to say?" he finally asks, turning to face me. His face pains me. The utter sadness is heartbreaking.

"I need this." I say quietly, looking at the floor. "I wanted you to come with me, Harry."

"Well I can't!" his demeanor suddenly changes, his voice raising to a louder volume. I'm shaken by his sudden outburst, my eyes shooting up to meet his.

"I can't just leave everything I've done here!" he yells, moving closer to me. "You're everything and more, but this is my home."

"Why is that so easy for you to say?" I retort.

"Because it's true." he says without thinking, his face instantly falling. "I didn't mean that." he quickly recovers, moving closer and attempting to rest his hand on my cheek.

"Don't touch me." I bite, moving away from him. "I'm going to Washington. My new home. You're invited to come with but I'm not going to wait for you."

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