Basketball baby

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Cyrus was watching Tj from the side at his basket ball practice. Whenever his boyfriend scored he would get up and cheer as loud as he could. The whole basket ball team had got used to it by now and also secretly enjoyed Tj being with Cyrus because since they had gotten together he was nicer to the team and just kind to everyone in general.

"Okay everyone, practice is over for today" Tj said to everyone before turning to walk towards Cyrus.

Cyrus noticed that practice was finally over and ran over to Tj and jumped into his arms. Tj caught him and spun the smaller boy around.

"You were awesome today Teej !" Cyrus exclaimed when Tj finally put him down so he could look at him.

"Thanks baby." Tj thanked him.

"I've always wondered how you can get the ball through the net when it's that high up." Cyrus said being random as always.

"Can I teach you?" Tj asked expecting a  "no"

"Fine just this once but if I fall you have to help me up." Cyrus replied,

"Of course Babyboy." Tj answered.

Tj showed Cyrus how to bounce the ball and passed it to Cyrus so that he could try.

"You've got to keep your head up and look where you're going while you bounce the ball. If you are too concentrated on the ball then the other team can easily steal the ball when you're not paying attention." Tj explained and Cyrus followed his instructions.

After a few failed attempts Cyrus managed to get to the other side of the hall while looking forward and bouncing the ball. 

"Can I try shooting it into the net now?" Cyrus asked like an excited little puppy.

"Sure Underdog, go ahead." Tj giggled at him fondly. He was so in love with him.

Cyrus moved backwards a little so he could aim the ball into the net.

He jumped and threw the ball but it missed completely.

"I'm never gonna be able to do this." Cyrus sighed.

"Yes you will muffin you just need to jump a little higher and extend your arm more forward and you'll have it." Tj said reassuring him.

Cyrus nodded and followed Tj's advice.

He took a shot but it hit off the top of the board.

"C'mon Underdog, you can do this just have another go." Tj said.

Cyrus took a deep breath and took another shot.

He threw the ball, jumping as high as he could and he finally got it in!

"I did it! I did it! I did it! Tj I did it!" Cyrus chanted running into Tj's open arms.

"You did it! I'm so proud of you my little basketball baby!" Tj exclaimed 

Cyrus wrapped his arms around Tj and held him close.

"I love you, not so Scary Basketball guy." Cyrus whispered against Tj's shoulder.

"I love you to, Chocolate Chocolate chip muffin."

Cyrus lifted his head and looked into Tj's Green eyes with his brown ones. he leant his forwhead against Tj's and eventually leant in for a long kiss. They finally pulled away and Tj's cheeks were a dark shade of pink as he giggled. 

"Can we go and get some baby taters and a chocolate milkshake to celebrate that I'm not actually useless?" Cyrus said.

"You were never useless but sure babe." Tj replied.

The laced their fingers together and made their way out of the sports hall.

One Shots- Tyrus (completed)Where stories live. Discover now