Coming out

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Italics= thoughts


Today was the day I was going to come out to Cyrus. I really don't want to loose him, I really hope he doesn't hate me.

I was on my way to school now, walking on my own as I always do. What if he doesn't accept me?  What if he tells the whole school? No, Cyrus would never do that, would he? 

These thoughts were filling my head and making me nervous. Amber said he would accept me but she only knows him through Andi and she doesn't really know him that well anyway so there is a strong possibility that she could be wrong .

I took a deep breath when I saw I was approaching the school

"Hey Teej!" Cyrus said happily when he saw me.

"Hey muffin." I said trying to sound less nervous.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing." I said trying to sound confused.

"TJ, I know when there is something wrong with you. If you don't want to talk about it that's fine but if you ever do, I'm all ears." Cyrus said before pulling me into a warm hug. I hugged back trying to say cool. The truth is I love Cyrus, I'm in love with him.

"Thanks Cy and there is something I need to tell you but I can't say it right now. Meet me at my locker after school and I'll explain everything. " I told him.

"Okay sure." He said with a beautiful smile.

"I've got to get to class, see you later Underdog." I said before walking away.

"Bye Teej." He said.

The end of the day came super fast and I was now walking to my locker, I turned the corner to find Cyrus already standing there. I put on a fake smile and tried to make it look real 

"Hey!" He said happily.

"Hey Underdog, How was your day?" I asked.

"It was okay but still the same old boring lessons," He replied.

"Well I might just be about to ruin your day by telling you this. Please don't hate me though." I said clutching the note I had in my hand.

"TJ I could never hate you." He answered which kind of made me feel a little better.

"Okay then, I figured if I couldn't say it I should write it since I really want you to know." I gulped handing him the note that read "I'm gay." On it. He took it and I made myself look at his face when he opened it. Surprisingly he smiled and looked up at me with teary eyes before pulling me into a hug.

"Me too." He whispered into my ear. I leant my chin on his head and held him close to me.

"So you're not mad?" I asked.

"Of course not, I find it very hard to be mad at you, I love you." He slipped out. I could feel him freeze at his words.

"I love you too." I said back to calm him.

"Wait, you do?" He asked.

"Yeah I always have." I answered 

He looked at me and his eyes kept flickering down to my lips, I was doing the same. 

We began to lean in until our lips touched. It was like mini fireworks were exploding in my tummy. We staying in the kiss for a good five seconds and then pulled away smiling.

"TJ, d-do you wanna be my b-b-boyfriend?" He stuttered while blushing.

"Of course I do ." I said smiling.

I never thought this would ever happen.

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