"Hey, Cutie."

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Author's POV

"Damn she's hot." Andi bit her lip at the sight of a blonde girl who was dancing on her own.

"Eh, I don't know." Cyrus shrugged as he rubbed his temples with his fingers to try and minimise the pain of his throbbing head ache.

"But imagine a male version of her." Andi said.

"How the fuck do I do that? She's in a pink mini skirt, high heels and her make up looks like it's practically been slapped on her face. It's literally impossible to imagine her as a male." Cyrus sighed and raised his eyebrows at his best friend. 

He was incredibly stressed to say the least and had only come to this party because Andi had promised him free baby taters for the week. He was beginning to regret his love for baby taters at this moment, he just wanted a little silence for a minute. 

"I'm going to get her." Andi smirked as she stood up.

"Really? Andi you're not loosing your virginity to some random stranger." Cyrus grabbed her arm and pulled her back down onto the couch.

"Uh, a really hot random stranger." She argued.

"You know what? Fine. Go and loose your virginity to some random but don't come complaining to me when you regret it. I can't be bothered to fight right now." Cyrus loosened his grip on her arm before exiting the living room and going up the stairs.

He saw one door that was closed so he decided to walk in there, hoping that it was empty.

"Hey, Cutie." An unfamiliar voice said when Cyrus walked in.

"Oh, uh sorry I didn't think there was anyone in here." He apologised to the blonde boy who was lay on the bed reading and decided to ignore the sweet comment.

"It's all good. Is it just you?" He asked.

"Yeah." Cyrus nodded in response.

"Come in then, shut the door behind you." He smiled. Cyrus noticed his piercing emerald green eyes and found them quite attractive.

"Are you sure?" Cyrus questioned politely.

"Yeah, you look like you need some peace." He nodded.

Cyrus shut the door behind him and stood there awkwardly.

"I'm TJ by the way." TJ introduced himself as he closed his book and set it down on his bed side table.

"I'm Cyrus." The brunette told him, grinning.

"Come lay with me, if you want." TJ offered and Cyrus smiled.

"But before you do, lock the door please. I really don't want people trying to hook up in here." TJ laughed. 

Cyrus locked the door and walked over to the bed. TJ moved over and lifted the blanket up as Cyrus took his shoes off.

"Thanks." Cyrus said as he lay next to the blondie. He sighed in relief as his headache began to fade.

"No problem. Is it your first high school party?" TJ asked, turning to Cyrus. Their faces were now inches away from each other and their legs were touching.

"Yeah, I only came because my friend bribed me with baby tater's." Cyrus answered with a sigh.

"Where is your friend?" TJ frowned.

"Either hooking up with some blonde girl or crying because she got rejected." Cyrus answered and TJ chuckled.

"I take it you're not much of a party person." TJ observed.

"Really? What gives you that idea?" Cyrus said sarcastically.

"You just don't look like much of a party animal." TJ shrugged.

"What do look like then?" Cyrus asked.

"A cute, quiet boy who likes to focus on his education and would rather sleep than socialise any day." TJ guessed.

"Spot on." Cyrus nodded.

"What do I look like?" TJ quizzed.

"Hmm, quite a confident, popular person. The one everyone crushes on, like those high school movies." Cyrus answered.

"Like Troy Bolton!" Cyrus added enthusiastically.

"I guess, ya." TJ nodded.

"I hate that all the girls crush on me." TJ groaned.

"Why?" Cyrus frowned.

"Because well, girls aren't really um my type." TJ looked down, hoping and praying that Cyrus was okay with him being gay.

"Same." Cyrus shrugged casually before letting out a yawn.

"Tired?" TJ smiled and Cyrus nodded.

"Go to sleep then." TJ instructed.

"Are you sure?" Cyrus questioned.

"Yeah." TJ nodded.

"Okay. Goodnight, TJ." Cyrus said, closing his eyes.

"Goodnight, Cutie." TJ closed his eyes too and eventually both of the boys fell into a peaceful slumber.

A few hours later...

Cyrus' eyes opened and he sighed. He hadn't been sleeping well lately and had woken up yet again.

The clock read 1:13 AM so he turned over and tried to sleep again.

"You okay?" TJ asked, eyes still closed.

"Yeah, sorry if I woke you." Cyrus apologised as he lay back down.

"It's fine. Why did you wake up?" TJ questioned.

"I just have trouble sleeping sometimes." The brown eyed boy shrugged.

"Oh. Can I suggest something?" TJ replied.

"Sure." Cyrus nodded.

"Well when I was like 13 I used to have trouble sleeping and what helped was if there was someone there to hold me to sleep. Do you wanna try it?" TJ asked cautiously.

"Sure." Cyrus answered quickly.

TJ opened his arms and Cyrus crawled into them before laying his head on TJ's chest.

"Thanks, TJ." Cyrus yawned.

"Anytime." TJ held him tight and kissed his hair quickly.

And the boy's fell to sleep once again...

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