Chapter 1

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Author's Note

Hey guys, quick note I’ll be putting songs and news in this bit for every chapter and the songs basically either fit with the chapter or just the whole story feel free to listen to them. If you don't like them don't listen to them simple enough. I'm new so no hate please, constructive criticism is welcome and don't forget to comment, and vote! Oh and I’m looking for covers so email me please (:

Song: Summer Paradise - Simple Plan FT. Sean Paul 


The atmosphere was lifted; everyone was laughing and crowded around the bonfire. We were celebrating the last day of school and exams on the beach. I was wrapped in Aiden's arm with my head on his shoulder. It was a picture perfect moment and the warm air blew around us to prove my internal thoughts. It caressed my long milk chocolate brown hair.

This is going to be one of the best summers ever, and I'm going to spend it every second I can with the people I love. Aiden of course, being one of them, he was kissing my neck and for the most part it felt good. This wasn't anything special of course I never got the sparks they talk about in movies or love songs, but then again those are written by a bunch of snobby rich people and I was perfectly fine with what I had. I was honestly content. Distracting me from my thoughts Aiden lifted my chin up, so I was facing him and tapped me on the nose with his index finger.

"I'll be right back buttercup" he kissed my lips brusquely but sweetly. I didn't know how I got so lucky but I did. I was blessed. I had my music career in grasp, I was heading off to University in the fall and getting my PhD in music soon enough and to top it all off I had the perfect family and the sweetest boyfriend that every girl envies, how could I be happier?

The sun was setting on the horizon and it made the water look like a work of art. It was breathtaking and just reminded me that Aiden was taking an awfully long time. I probably should've asked him where he was going but I trust him so there was really no need. He'll be back before I know it. In the meantime we turned up the music and started a pathetic - but fun- dance party.

It was getting dark and some of the other seniors were handing alcohol around, being sensible I wouldn't touch the disgusting stuff. I got up and went looking for Aiden, I went into the cabin thinking this was one of his games, he's so romantic, he's so perfect, he's- SLEEPING WITH SOME SLUT ?! Anger and betrayal surged through me and a tear silently rolled down my tan skin, maybe it isn't him, maybe I caught him at a bad time my brain kept making up logical excuses but with every moan I heard coming from the bedroom my heart sunk a little deeper and my excuses were looking pretty pathetic. I was against the wall thinking of something, anything I had left to say to him. Something came over me as I barged in and blurted out.

“You - You ASSHOLE! I can't believe this" I ran out not really looking where I was going I just kept running. Aiden's shouting disappeared into the night, but each one left a mark because I stood there and saw everything. His voice echoed in my head 'Thea it's not like that!' or 'I can explain!' How could he possibly explain what he did? I gave him everything...Well almost everything. My virginity was the only thing I told him he had to wait for until we got married... Maybe it's my fault- NO it's not! screamed another part of me if he's stupid enough to think that our relationship was nothing then that's his loss! I was done with crying over him. Numbly I check my phone only to find about a billion messages from him. Jerk couldn't even call me, not that I would've listened if he had


Last night was exhausting I had to call a taxi to pick me up and considering I got home around 2 in the morning- my parents were pretty upset. I refused to talk to anyone or answer any phone calls. I promised myself that I would never let a guy have the same affect on me ever again... Thump Thump Thump

"Thea where have you been? You haven't responded to my texts or my calls!" said an annoyed Luna. She happens to be my best friend and we've only known each other for about 4 years, but we could finish each other's thoughts and still have time to bicker like an old couple. If she were a dude I'd totally date her LOL. 

"I've been busy" I sighed. Then I got up to open the locked door.

"Busy staring at the ceiling?!" she practically screamed. Luna may be short but she sure was feisty. I realized I must look pretty hideous however at this point I couldn't care less. Much to her annoyance I replied.

"Yup" popping the P. I knew Luna so well that I was sure she was coming up with some very colorful words in that devious little mind of hers. To my surprise she stayed calm and replied with a smirk. 

"I bet I know how to make you feel better" she said wickedly. I was utterly shocked at how cool and collected she had stayed. She read my face very easily and shrugged. “I’ve finally started taking those meditation classes you recommended." That's when hell hit me. I was bursting in fits of laughter while she tickled me.

"STOP IT HAHAHA LUNA QUIT IT!" I gasped between the giggles.

"Only if you tell me what's wrong" she said simply.

"FINE FINE!" I practically screamed. She stopped and I gave her my infamous death glare. Luna looked at me expectedly. “I caught Aiden cheating on me  ..." I mumbled. Luna looked at me like a deer in the headlights and it slowly began sinking in to her.

“That -THAT ASSHOLE!" she stomped her feet like a five-year-old. "Wait until I’m done with him!" she rolled up her sleeves with a wicked glint in her green eyes. I couldn't help but laugh.

"That's what I said!" I laughed. We ended up watching horror movies and felt disappointed knowing she was leaving on vacation in just a week. Lucky bitch gets to go to Costa Rica, I thought.


I watched Luna's flight leave and thought about the plans I had made with Aiden and how we were going to live in London, England and travel the world. Bitterness filled me.

 About a week after Luna left my parents announced I was staying at my grandparent’s house for the summer. I think it was supposed to be some kind of punishment for my antisocial behavior lately.

Seeing as I've never met my grandparents because of their hatred for their son-in-law (My dad) - I was expecting them to be the old laid back, always sleeping or playing bingo kind of grandparents. Boy was I wrong...

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