Chapter 8

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Author's Note

Vas Happenin ?!?! Whoever guesses where this is from gets a cookie ;) Anyways... I'm so happy to see the views of my book going up and up ! It's nice knowing you guys enjoy it! If there any suggestions or whatnot I'd love to hear them. BY THE WAY IF YOU HAVEN'T LISTENED TO THE SONG YOU NEED TO GO ON ITUNES AND BUY IT NOW ! Enough of my mindless blabber 'Let's Kick This Stuff Off! '

Song: Live While We're Young -One Direction 


Carter's POV

They say that sometimes things need to get worse before they get better. In this case I wasn't sure if they were getting worse or better. Anthea wasn't coming that much I was sure. I don't know what her problem was because any girl would be melting right now. All I know is that she wanted me. Simply because every girl wants me. Marcelo and I waited for her to show up.

10 minutes.

15 minutes.

20 minutes.

"She's not coming" I repeated to Marcelo. Even Aiden seemed confused about her whereabouts.  

"I don't understand, Thea would never do anything like this. She's always right on time!" flustered Aiden.

"Well maybe you don't know her as well as you thought, peasant" I said coldly but cooly. Lyons was really getting on my nerves, she was missing and all he could care about was her attendance record? What is she even doing with that douchebag? I found myself hoping that she'd find someone better. I quickly squashed that thought and imagined Jasper's horror-stricken face when he realizes Anthea has fallen head over heels for me.

"I'll call her and see where she is" glowered Lyons. I couldn't bare to think of his first name , it disgusted just as the rest of him did. Just when I thought I'd finally get a hold of her , Lyons groans. "I got her answering machine, she must be very upset. I wonder what happened" he looked at me with hatred and suspicion. I looked back and saw him slightly wince under my gaze.

I could be scary when I wasn't trying but I could be terrifying when I was. I rolled my eyes at his pathetic attempt at finding her. I pulled out my phone with such grace it could make a ballerina cry.

"Dustin. I need to find an Anthea Roberts. She's about 5'5 , thin , with long light brown hair. I expect to see her in 20 minutes or you're fired." I hung up without a response. 

Sure enough 17 minutes later , two bodyguards were carrying in a disheveled little girl. A sorta of sadness washed over me as I watched at how fragile she looked. She sniffed and said bluntly:

"I can walk , let me down." she avoided our gazes and stared at something past us. She looked lost. It wasn't the same Anthea that threw a water bottle at my head, or scowled at every remark I made. In her place stood a cold brittle being, she stood up straighter and walked towards Marcelo.

"I apologize for being late." That was it , no explanation, no story of where she was. I furrowed my perfect eyebrows and sighed wearily.

That class flew by. The Gala was in two days. Things were getting tense and frantic. A thousand questions ricocheted in my mind. I suppressed them knowing she wouldn't answer anyways. By the end of the class we both stood at the door silently when I had enough.

"Why won't you look at me?" I said. A fire I had never seen in her flashed across her eyes.

"Why would I EVER look at you! You disgust me! Last night was a mistake the biggest mistake I have ever made. I knew you were a sick masochistic person I just didn't know to what extent!" she screamed at me. Confusion was written all over my face. What is she talking about? I voiced my thoughts.

"Anthea calm down what are you talking about?" I asked.

"You don't deserve my answers, all I have to say is what happened last night?" she whispered , enunciated every syllable.

"We went to that gathering at the old hotel remember?"

"haha some gathering indeed" she said sarcastically.

"Then we danced and had a couple drinks" I replied honestly.

"I don't need your bullshit Carter. Was that your plan? Get me drunk and take advantage of me? My innocence was all I had left, I hope your happy with yourself. After this Gala I never want to see your hideous face again" she whispered darkly.Out of habit I answered reflexively.

"Oh you think I'm hideous try looking at your pathetic excuse of a boyfriend" I said indifferent. I could tell I hit a nerve.

"You may have the face of a model, but your heart is as ugly and stripped of compassion as a toad."I rewinded what she had said to me.

"Wait what do you mean your innocence? I didn't do anything." 

"Save your lies for the thousands of other girls you have slept with Carter," I was a loss of words to say. She thinks I had.... slept with her? This was something unheard of. Carter Malcolm was at a loss of words. Before I could respond with a coherent sentence, a fist came flying at my face. I tried to move to one side, thankfully it didn't hit my head. It had however knocked me off balance and I lay there on the ground trying to make sense of what happened.

"YOU SON OF A BITCH! HOW DARE YOU" Lyons was flaring, his face red with anger. He swung again this time I caught him easily and twisted his arm behind him.

"How cute. You think you can hurt me." I said. "You know I may rich and pampered but I've had a couple fighting classes." I pushed him to the ground and kicked his stomach. Hard. It knocked the wind out of him. I smirked as he lay wheezing. When I turned around Anthea looked at me like I was a murderer.

"Anthea ..listen.. he hit me first.. I-I" My brain couldn't think of a complete sentence. So, instead I just reached out for her.

"Don't touch me. Please don't touch me" she said terrified. She backed away as though I was holding a gun. Circling around me she bent over and caressed Aiden's face. I would have rather been bleeding on the floor than see that look upon Anthea's face that labelled me as a killer.

Anthea's POV 

I saw Aiden's fist coming towards us. At first I thought it was aimed at me. I deserved it , I cheated on him. It wasn't really my fault, but I had gone with Carter hadn't I? Despite everything I knew of Carter and his ways. I had gone with him. I was at just as much blame as Carter. But as I closed my eyes I realized I didn't feel anything. Everything happened in slow motion.

Aiden's fist swung at Carter he dodged it for the most part but it had hit him in the side and knocked him off balance. I stood there looking at what had just happened. It felt like I was in a movie rather than being there in that moment.

Aiden swung again I was about to scream for him to stop. When Carter easily dodged it and grabbed his arm. He roughly pushed him head first to the ground. Then swung his leg stealthily back and kicked with a force that could've shattered my bones in a second. I stood aghast. Carter faced me. 

"Anthea ..listen.. he hit me first.. I-I" I felt like I needed to run away, just close my ears like a 5-year-old and get out as fast as I could. Yet, I couldn't leave Aiden with that .. that cruel imitation of a human being. He reached out and I flinched expecting a hit on my part.

"Don't touch me. Please don't touch me" I said shakily. I walked carefully around him and kneeled next to Aiden a tear slipped down my face as I lay my hand on Aiden's cheek. He held it there with his own and gave me a small smile. I wiped my tears to turn to Carter.

"You need to leave" he didn't respond but slowly turned and walked out to his embellished billion dollar car.

I called the ambulance and heard a female voice on the end. That's when Aiden went out cold.

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