Chapter 11

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Author's Note:

Damn my fans are FINE ;) I must warn you this chapter has vulgar language in it but it wouldn't be very realisitic if it didn't. Anyways if you read some of my statuses you would know this is coming and I really hope you guys like it !Oh and I'm looking for a banner so message me one lovelies and you'll get a chapter dedicated to you! I love you all <3 Let's on with it.

Song: Heart Vacancy - The Wanted


Anthea's POV

I pushed my way through the glass doors and rushed through the crowds of people. I made my way through the grande doors and happily realized the paparazzi were gone. The thing with never visiting London before is, it's so very easy to get lost. I tugged at my hair and put it into a messy pony tail.I aggressively ripped the bottom of my long dress so it wouldn't interfere with my walking. My feet ached and my head hurt. I walked slowly along the sidewalk barefoot, with a clutch purse in one hand and my shoes in the other. Now what?

I sat on the sidewalk and sighed heavily. Why was it that when I was with Carter I forgot all about Aiden? Why is it that I never got sparks when I kissed him but I did when I kissed Carter? My head throbbed.

I rubbed my eyes, smearing my perfectly done makeup. It felt like a mask I was tired of hiding behind it. I was tired of the expensive clothes that made me look thin, I was tired of the makeup that hid my unusally bland,simple face but most of all I was tired of pretending to be someone I was not. Honestly there was nothing perfect or anywhere close to perfect about me. I had flaws like everyone else, sometimes I thought my nose was too big or my teeth weren't white enough. In the end I guess we need to realize that we can do two things we change ourselves to please others or we can love ourselves. However, in my case I chose the wrong answer. I was done.This was enough.

The cool evening air sent chills through my body. Even if god was testing me I refused to cry. I mean what's the point? Crying isn't going to change anything. It's not going to solve my problems or fix Aiden or kill Carter. Instead I took long breathes and walked to a nearby park. It was dark out but something about it felt peaceful.

I sat on the swing and began to rock back and forth. I laughed at the simplicity in it. It was a lot more entertaining than the summer so far. For some reason it brought back childhood memories and soon enough I was captivated by thoughts.

Breaking me from the thoughts someone sat down on the swings fairly close to me. I didn't dare look to see who it was. Nor did I intend to talk to them. Suddenly I heard a thump and a child crying. I looked quickly to the ground to a little girl who seemed to be about 6.She had scraped her knee falling off perhaps. I was rushing over but a man beat me there.

"Hey shhh it's okay sweet pea, you're alright. Where's your parents love?" He seemed incredibly caring as he consoled her. She sniffed as he handed her a tissue.

"My name's Emily, I don't have any parents." I watched them talk for a bit.

"Surely you have parents or a guardian, where are they?" he said. His voice seem all too familiar.

"No.. I live down there." Emily pointed to a old, ugly building. He scooped her up and they walked down the street as I silently walked behind them.

"But .. this is an orphanage.." it slowly sinked in. She didn't have parents because she was an orphan. "Look we need to get that scrape cleaned up and bandaged." Avoiding the subject he walked through the doors. It was eerily silent. Shouldn't there be children running around. I caught up with them.

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