Chapter 16

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Author's Note

Psssst you , no you , yes you with the face. . . I appreciate you <3 This one is for the beautiful residents of this beautiful planet.

Song: Give Me Love - Ed Sheeran


Carter's POV

My eyes scanned my surroundings but it was useless it was far too dark to see anything. I was panicking. I couldn't see her and I couldn't hear her but I wasn't going to give up just yet, my future depended on this. It depended on her.

"Anthea! If you can hear me scream! Anthea !?" I felt absolutely pathetic.

"Anthea please... if you can hear me ..just please.." I had run down a couple streets and around the curbs but she was no where to be found. Panting, I bent over with my hands on my knees. I had never believed in god but what happened next was probably the closest thing to an epiphany, that I had ever gotten. Like a miracle from god I heard a faint muffled shriek. Without a second's hesitation, I ran after the sound like a dog chasing blindly after his tail. I followed a dark figure that seemed like it was dragging someone.

Something I knew for certain was that we were both in danger and the smart thing to do would've been to call the cops. Unfortunately in the moment that is not what I did. I ran after the dark figure that held the future success of my father's company. The street light made the face of the figure visible for a second, but that second was long enough. I clenched my teeth and darted towards his back.

"You worthless bastard ! Let go of her! " I yelled. My voice was deadly and my eyes held only blackness. "Lyons I'll skin you alive ! " I screamed after him. Surprisingly he was quite fast and jumped into his car. He sped off leaving me in the dust ...alone. I wasn't sure what time it was, but it was late. I assumed my assistant was asleep. I guess this is a solo job...

I first tried the place he was staying at. I backed up and threw my whole weight against the door but when I got in the room was stripped of everything. The only thing left was a small piece of paper. I kicked at it and pulled at my hair in frustration. What was there left to do ? He could be anywhere by now. What did that little weasel want? I was turning around deciding on what I would tell the cops. 'Yea I was going to call but I decided a teen with no experience at finding a kidnapper would find Anthea faster. Oh and by the way he's probably half way across the country by now.'

"God I can't believe how stupid I've been" I paced back and forth rearranging an excuse that wouldn't sound stupid, when I saw something on the piece of paper that I kicked. I picked it up and dusted it off. On it was a hastily written ransom note and an address. The last sentence brought out a fiery angst in me. It read 'Come Alone.' Little did he know I've been alone my entire life...

I dropped the note while running to my car I jumped in and punched in the address into the built in GPS. I had never been to that part of the city before. It was so disgusting, even the buildings looked sad. The streetlights occasionally flickered and sparked. I was walking silently and on my toes for any sign of an ambush. When I entered a small warehouse there was nothing. There were white sheets on the few boxes that were there, but other than that- nothing.

"Hello ? I know you're here show yourself ! "my voice echoed and made me jump. It was a bigger building than I thought.

"Over here Carter!" Warmth filled me when I heard the familiar voice. Thank god she's safe. I mean - uh thank god my father's company is safe.

"Shut up!" roared a voice. I was going to strangle him no one talks to her like that. The lights went on and stunned me for a second. "Not a step closer Malcolm."

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