Chapter 1: Day by Day 🤧

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Life for Riley was wonderful. She never had to struggle through life, because she was raised by her grandparents; who made sure her life would run smoothly. Even after death. Riley was raised in Mississippi but later moved to Chicago when her grandparents died when she turned 18. They tragically died in a car accident on her birthday. She was devastated but she knew they would want her to move on with her life. They left her their retirement home for her to live in and $100,000 for her to live on until she was able to graduate school and fend for herself.

Riley's POV

Im so freaking lonely in this dang house. I miss my Ma and Pa so much it's ridiculous. I try my best to stay positive and do the things that would make them proud. I get straight A's in school. I'm not a hoe like the rest of these broads. I have no kid on my hip. I ain't chasing no nigga around hea. & on top of that I have my innocence. Ah bitch really got it made tho so I can't complain. My only problem is that I never had a boyfriend before. That's probably a good thing tho. Niggas ain't shit but headaches. I see lots of girls at school getting turned out, knocked up, and fucked up over a nigga. I'm not trying to be like that soooo oh well life goes on. When I moved from the sip I left all my friends behind. Some that can't be replaced. Ever. It makes me sad but I can't dwell on it forever. Moving to the city, life is so much faster. The people are rude, it's over populated, and let's not forget the damn crime that goes on. Everyday on the news it's always some sad shit going on. More than 20 people die everyday. I don't know why my grandparents wanted me to come up here. In their will, they didn't leave an explanation but if this is what they wanted so be it. I have one friend up here. Her name is Monica. She's tall, light skinned with red , sandy, curly hair. She's fine as hell I can't lie. She could have any nigga she wanted. Hell, they wanted her too. She would be perfect if she wasn't so damn boy crazy. She didn't mind bending her ass over either. Monica got hers and didn't give a damn about who didn't like it. On the bright side, she was smart just like me. She had a big heart just like me. She wanted more with her life just like me. I love the girl. Glue couldn't make us closer.
I heard my IPhone 7+ ringing interrupting my train of thought. Hello, I said sounding annoyed a little. Bitttttttch, you ain't gonna guess who tf got caught behind the gym bleachers giving head. Monica said giggling through the phone. Quita Jones !! Monica was so tickled she didn't even give me time to respond. Quita was light skinned with a big ass. She was alright looking but she needed makeup to make her self look decent. She wasn't naturally pretty. Quita was a big hoe known throughout the school. The bitch was a real example of a doorknob. Everybody gets a damn turn. It didn't matter who you were. If she was getting she was definitely giving. Girl you lying I said sitting up on the couch. This bitch done lost it. Who was she slobbing down? Idk girl, from the video his back was turned some dude with a black hoodie on. I'm about to send you the video. "Bet", I said waiting on the vid to come through. "Giiiiidamn, this bitch a energizer bunny". "How the hell she throwing her neck like that". Monica laughed hard through the phone. " You should have came yo ass to school today ". "I was bored asf." "& Yaya ass wouldn't get out my face". "She so damn fake". "Sorry friend but I couldn't miss my doctors appointment ". I didn't come to school today b/c I had some lady business to tend to. I needed a break from school. We graduate in two months but I was already ahead of the other kids. I passed all my tests and classes. I was just waiting on that big day. I can't wait. I won't have to look at none of these hoes faces anymore. I'll be free at last. "I'll see you tomorrow girl don't fret." I said. "Alright friend love you". "Love you too".

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