Chapter 55: 🤡

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Riley's POV

I picked up the phone and I stared at it for a second. Please don't let this be another bitch shit. I thought to just ask Akeem about it maybe he could explain. I thought to myself nah I'm just going to look myself. It's probably a phone Akeem done got Mulan or something. I sat the phone down on the dresser just trying to ignore my thoughts. Akeem wouldn't dare cheat on me. He wouldn't do it. Not in our house with our baby in here. No. He wouldn't. I went back to the bed to finish cleaning and my hand ran through a wet spot.

"Oh hell fuck no !" I said loudly.

Somebody obviously has been fucking in this bed. I picked the phone up off the dresser and went through it. When I picked up the phone , it lit up and there was a picture of Akeem and Trish. My heart fell to the bottom of my chest. My heart started to beat faster and faster. I pressed the middle button and there was no password. A recording was already present on the screen. I played it back. I could hear moans and groans. Clearly. It was some people fucking. A tear stung my face as I heard low whispers of her saying Akeem's name.

I ran into the bathroom and instantly threw up into the toilet. My heart couldn't take what I was hearing. I sat on the floor and got myself together. I heard Akeem talking to her sexually saying all types of shit that he would tell me. The recording ended and it felt like my life did too.

I went through everything. Call logs. FaceTime. Everything. I went through this dirty bitches pictures. This bitch was in my fucking bed. Naked. The pictures were the same night. Akeem walked into the bathroom.

"What's wrong ?! Why are you throwing up?!"

I slowly looked up at him from the phone.

"You dirty dick ass nigga. " I said loud enough for him to hear me

I went gave him the phone and his eyes filled with shock before he even could go through the phone.

"You bitch !!" I screamed at him

"You nasty ass bitch" I cried hitting him in every place I could.

I picked up the bottles that were on the bathroom counter and threw it at him. He attempted to block them as much as he could. I don't know what went through me but I couldn't stop. I wanted to kill his ass. I saw red and red only ! I wanted that bitches head. I walked out of the bathroom.

"Wait Riley let me explain this shit !!"

"I don't want to hear a fucking thing !! You piece of shit ass nigga !!"

He grabbed me trying to pin me to the wall so I could stop hitting at him. I kicked him in the nuts ! I ran to Mulan's room and grabbed her out of her crib and ran out of the house. I cut on the truck and put her into her car seat buckling her in.

"Where the fuck are you going ?! You not taking my damn baby away from me ! Riley you not going no tucking where. "

"FUCK YOU " I screamed at him.

I grabbed the gun that was in the console. Cocked it back and shot at him. I missed but I kept shooting.

"Are you fucking crazy?!" Akeem yelled getting out of the way.

I chased his ass across the yard.




I got his ass in the arm .


"You shot me in the arm !!"

"Fuck yo arm" I yelled at him.

I shot again and the clip was empty. I threw the gun at him and walked back to the trunk. I was out of breath. I backed the truck up and headed towards town. I couldn't contain my tears. I was thirty minutes away from the house. I felt myself get light headed. I tried to shake it off. I got on the intersection and increased my speed. I cried and cried. I started to get dizzy..... I heard a loud horn and a pop ! My truck flipped.


My head hit the windshield!


I heard screams from Mulan crying ! I instantly jumped up and crawled to the back. Luckily. She only had scratches on her face. I unbuckled her out of her car seat. I grabbed my phone and my pouch... kicked the window door open and ran as quickly as I could in the nearby bushes.....

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