Chapter 41: 👂🏾

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Travis POV

Heading to the trap my mind was heavy asf. Having to choose between loyalty and family was starting to get to me. Akeem is my nigga. I'll put my life on the line no lie but shit was just getting out of hand.

I needed to talk to someone to give my side of the story. I knew the niggas was on to me b/c how funny I've been acting and I've been distant as a bitch lately. Either way it went I wasn't going out like a bitch.

Tre was sitting outside the warehouse on the phone. I walked up to him and gave him a handshake.

"Wassup nigga" I said

He gave me a nod and held his finger up trying to end his phone call. I waited for him to finish it must was important.

"Aye nigga. Haven't seen yo ass in a minute". Tre said

"I been busy nigga. Very busy".

"Must be. You been missing in action. What's up with that shit? You been on some funny shit my nigga".

"To keep it One hundred. I need to tell you some shit And I need you to hold it down".

Tre raised his eyebrow in suspicion.

"I been hiding out Monica from Akeem".

Tre bucked his eyes and looked around quickly trying to see if anyone may have heard the dumb shit he just did.
He pushed Travis to the side to get more privacy.

"Nigga is you fucking crazy?! You trying to get fucking killed! You violating".

"I know nigga calm the fuck down. I have my fucking reasons".

"Whatever the reason may be it better be fucking good. Do you not realize wtf Monica hoe ass done put his ass through. You know how fucking crazy that nigga can get Travis you out of all people should know. I need a fucking blunt after hearing this shit. "

"I fucking know all of this.... but she pregnant with my seed. After she drop I'll kill the bitch off myself."

Tre shook his head in disappointment.

"This some Tyler Perry type shit here. How tf you gone keep this shit under wraps ?! ..... you know what I don't want to even know. Keep that shit to yourself". Tre said walking away.

"Nigga you just gone keep me hanging ?!" I yelled.

Tre gave me the finger and walked inside of the warehouse. I stood there looking dumb asf.

"FUCK" I yelled out.

Riley's POV

I looked in the mirror at my new bundles. I was slayed. I had a middle part with bone straight bundles. It looked just like my hair did before but longer. I had 4 30' bundles in. I was short so it hung very low to the bottom of my butt.

"Girl you look good asf." Valence compliment me

She was the hairdresser Akeem took me to. He must have knew her already.

"Thank you" I smile. " I'm trying to look good for Akeem since Valentine's Day is coming up in a few days".

"Awwww that's some sweet shit. What do you have planned girl?" She asked excitedly

"I wanted to go get him something and you know look sexy for him" i said giggling " but he be so far up my ass I don't even have any privacy to go look".

"Well try just ordering everything online..." Valence suggested.

"Yeah that's what I may have to do". I rolled my eyes "Thanks girl. I'll be back for a touch up"

I walked to the front lobby where Akeem and Mulan was sitting. Akeem licked his lips as he watched me approach him.

"Calm down nigga." I said as I walked past him heading for the door.

He laughed at my comment and walked behind me.

We got into the car everything was silent, until Mulan started screaming and cooing loudly. I looked back and smiled at her she really knew how to put a smile on my face. She must have felt the tension in the car.

"Where are we going now ?"

"Where you want to go?"

"I need to go to the grocery store, I want to go shopping, I need my nails done, I need to go get some pads, I need ...."

"Damn Riley shit." He said cutting me off

"Oh no don't act like that now. You want to play daddy so badly. So Daddy I got shit to do." I said rolling my neck.

"Yo Damn mouth done got flipped asf. He smiled "I know exactly what yo ass need. You be forgetting who the fuck you be talking too".

I gave him a blank stare.

"You taking me or what ?!"

"Nope. You can go get to it yourself."

" ugh. You bugging go by the fucking grocery store Akeem." I said loudly

He laughed at me ignoring my attitude.

"I'm a fucking joke huh?!"

He shrugged his shoulders and pulled over to a Walmart. I hurriedly got out of the car. He stayed in with Mulan. He blew the horn scaring the shit out of me . He had a goofy ass smile on his face. He let the window down and displayed a black card in his hand.

"How you going to pay for yo shit Ma"

I rolled my eyes and snatched the card out of his hand and put it in my purse.

" loooove you" he screamed out

I went to the grocery section of the store and got as many groceries I thought we may need. My cart was full but I wanted to go to the baby section to get a few things.

My eyes bucked as I saw Monica turning a corner. I yelled out her name loudly trying to get her attention.

"Monica ! Hey girl" I jogged towards her embracing her in a hug.

She looked at me spooked. She looked around the store.

"Are you hear by yourself?"

"Yes but the family is in the car waiting ."

She was wearing a yellow sundress that draped over her body. She was beautiful. I examined her and noticed a small bump under her dress.

"You're pregnant ?! Omg Congratulations girl. Mulan will have a friend to play with one day."

"Shhhhhhh !! You can not tell anyone about this !! You didn't even see me today Riley !! Promise me!!!" She begged me.

"Oh. Okay". I said confused. " I'll just go then."

I walked away kind of hurt because I don't know what was going on with Monica but eventually she will come around. I felt my phone vibrate in my purse. I answered it knowing it was Akeem.

"What ?!" I said with an attitude

"You must be lost mane you been in there for at least an hour."

"Don't rush me Akeem. I'm heading to the register now".

I hung up the phone.


I walked my groceries to the car, Akeem got out and started putting them away. I got into the passenger seat waiting on him to finish. I tried to contain my emotions but they were getting the best of me. My breathing had gotten heavier and I started to feel lightheaded. Pitch darkness.....

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