Chapter 13: Down 👐🏾

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Akeem's POV

I'm not the one to chase no bitch and I'm not about to start today. True enough I did feel a little something for Riley but I'm not gone show it. Fuck it. She wanted to bitch about dumb shit she was gonna do it by herself.

I sat at the table finishing my breakfast. It hit the spot. Had a nigga licking his fingers afterwards. Damn near wanted to lick the plate.

I thought about going to check up on Riley but I brushed that thought off with the quickness. I wasn't giving the dick up honestly but she could believe whatever she wanted to believe.

If she called herself trying to leave a nigga she could think again. She belonged to me little did she know. & I be damned if she think she's going to walk away that easy. I'm just going to give her time to cool off. She'll be back so I thought.
Five days later ......
Riley's POV

I haven't heard from Akeem's ass in almost a week. I've been moping around depressed for the last couple of days. I thought I could trust him. I thought he cared but he got ratchet nasty rat ass hoes sending him shit. I should have known I wasn't the only one. Hey , a girl can dream tho. I miss him so much. I felt like he was apart of me now. He was my first kiss, my first boyfriend, my first love, and the first person to make love to me.

I felt the tears stinging down my cheeks as I laid in my bed. Monica was on the way here so I tried to quickly get my shit together I didn't want her to see me like this. Hell, she didn't even know that I was fucking. Idk why I haven't told her I just haven't found the right time to.

Monica wanted to go to the courts today. That's were everybody went to hangout, shootball, gamble, hookup, and get high all in one. I never did like going to places like those b/c they were ghetto but I needed to get out. Badly. Monica always did tell me "wanna get over a nigga get under a new one" so that's what was going to do today.

I got myself ready. After my shower, I rubbed my skin down with baby oil just so my skin would glow effortlessly when the sun hit it. I wore some black high waist shorts that hugged my waist just right. A pink fitted crop top that made my breast sit up at attention with my pink and black Nike's. I combed my hair down to the back and topped it off with some hooped earrings and lipgloss. I checked myself out in the mirror. Flawless I was satisfied.

I walked out to the car seeing Monica applying some lipgloss to her lips. She looked at me with her eyebrow raised.

"Ooouuu bitch you look good, you trying to catch you some niggas or something "

"That's exactly what I'm trying to do" I responded rolling my eyes.

"I hope Akeem ain't there you really trying to get your ass kicked friend" she said laughing " but I got yo back we gone get our asses kicked together.

"You ain't gotta worry about him" I said annoyed not wanting to elaborate.

Monica must caught my drift so she left it alone.

"Barbie Tingz by Nicki Minaj"🎶

The music filled our ears as we made our way to the courts. We walked up to the bleachers just scooping around.

"Girl there go Keem, Travis, and those other niggas " Monica whispered to me.

"Hmph" I shrugged

He had some chicken head hoe beside him. Idk if they were together but right now I didn't give a damn. He had his shirt off with some grey shorts on. The bitches couldn't keep their eyes nor hands up off him. I felt myself getting angry until I saw Monica shaking her ass to a song that was played. I couldn't help but laugh at her. She caused mad attention though. Monica was fine as hell she couldn't help but to draw attention even if she did nothing.

After she was done she asked me to walk to the concession stand with her. I did b/c I wanted a hotdog desperately.

As we walked, I felt some eyes burning the side of my damn face. I looked over to see Akeem staring me down. I rolled my eyes in annoyance. "Punk ass" I said lowly. While waiting in line, I felt hands wrap around my waist attempting to get my attention.

"Excuse me miss you look good asf. I know yo nigga ain't let you out the house looking like that"

I snapped my neck "Excuse me" "wtf you mean looking like that" .

"Don't get spicy now" he said causing me to laugh " I'm just saying you'd be looking like a nun if you were mine". "My name is Tyrone"

I wasn't even offended anymore. He seemed like a cool guy. "Riley" I extended my hand giving him a hand shake and a smile. "Thank you, you just caught me a little off guard" .

"My bad , my bad". He said throwing up his hands. "I just wanted to get to know you a little more, can I have your number" he asked.

I noticed Akeem watching my every move not ever moving his eyes away from me. I wanted to make his ass mad. So fuck it I gave in.

"Why not? Give me your phone" I said reaching. I put my number in his phone then gave it back. Wtf did I do that for ?!

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