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The next day

[Mina's POV]

I was cleaning my own room until I heard mum calling me.

"Mina-ya! Someone is here to look for you!" Mum shouted.

I quickly went down and saw Chaeyoung.

"Let's talk outside." I said and he nodded.

We went further away from my house and Chaeyoung passed me a bag.

"This is your dress. Remember, come later. This will be your carriage." Chaeyoung said and point at the carriage at the front gate.

"Thank you, Chaeyoung." I said and Chaeyoung smiled.

"Anything for you." He said.

"I will have to go back now." Chaeyoung said and I nodded.

"See you later." I said and he smiled.

He then got on a horse and the horse start running.

After I saw his figure disappear from my sight, I went back to my room immediately and tried on the dress.

Luckily the dress fits just nice.

I then put on some light makeup and went out.

"It's almost time." I said and wore the heels that Chaeyoung brought for me.

I then went out and walked to the carriage.

I got in and the mister lead the horses to the castle.

When the carriage enter the castle front gate, I was astonished.

The door opened and I went down.

I walked up and went into the hall.

I look around then saw Chaeyoung walking towards me.

"You're here..." Chaeyoung said and I smiled.

"Come, meet my parents." Chaeyoung said and I followed him.

"Dad, mum, this is my date, Mina." Chaeyoung introduced.

"Princess Mina?" The king asked.

"I'm not a princess, your highness." I said.

"Not a princess? Then you're?" The king asked.

"Her father is a gardener. She lives somewhere in Seoul." Chaeyoung said.

"Chaeyoung, come here, I want to talk to you." The king said and Chaeyoung followed him to a corner as well as the queen.

'I guess they don't accept my relationship with you right, Chaeyoung-ah?' I thought and sighed.

I looked down on the floor and Chaeyoung come back after a while.

"Let's go." He said and hold my hand.

He dragged me away from the ball and we went to the secret garden.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"My dad and mum refused to accept our relationship." Chaeyoung said and sighed.

"I knew that this will happen." I said and Chaeyoung hold my hand to assure me.

He smiled to me and I just slightly smile back.

"It's okay... No matter what happen, I will not give up on our relationship. I will continue to fight for our relationship until they accept." Chaeyoung said.

"Then we will fight together." I said and he nodded.

"You know... I'm always thinking about you... After you helped me treated that wound, I didn't see you around anymore. I will always go back to the park, hoping that I can see you again but you never appear. I thought you left this country." Chaeyoung said.

"I've also went back to the park and see if I can see you again but I never see you around the park before." I said.

"But now, we met and we're together. And nobody can ever separate us." Chaeyoung said and I smiled.

"No one can separate us." I said and Chaeyoung hugged me.

I hugged him back and we spend the night at the secret garden.

[Chaeyoung's POV]

"Chaeyoung, come here, I want to talk to you." Dad said and I followed him to a corner with mum.

"Are you serious? You're dating a gardener's daughter? So many princesses are here for you to choose and yet you choose her?" Dad asked.

"I like her for a very long time already dad. So what she's not a princess? That doesn't matters to me." I said.

"It doesn't to you but it does to me. Imagine what will the other country's king think about us? We all know that she's not suitable for you. You need to get married with a princess. Not a gardener's daughter." Dad said.

"Why do I have such self-interested dad? All you think about is just your reputation and your own welfare. You never spare a thought for me. All these years, I have not been happy just in case if you didn't realize. I've been doing everything you want me to, but I didn't get a chance to do what is my favorite. And now, even me dating someone who's not a princess, you also wants to interfere. What must I do exactly so I can please you?" I finally said out the words that's been in my heart for years.

"Mum, you also just a ordinary woman, but why can dad marry you? Didn't grandparents they object or anything?" I asked.

"Dad, if you can marry a ordinary woman, why can't I date her? All the princesses here are all just one sided crush. I never like them. 14 years ago, when I tried to run away from the guards and the nanny, I fell down and saw her. She helped me and at that time, I know that I'm young, I don't what is love. But as I grew up, I slowly learn about love and I realize that my feelings for her is love at first sight." I said and look at them who are silenced.

"I don't care if you are against because I will continue to be together with her. But if things are going too extreme, I'm left no choice but to leave." I said and left.

I then went to Mina and dragged her to the secret garden.

As I told her that dad and mum refused to accept our relationship, I saw her saddened expression.

I then hold her hand to assure her and smiled to her but she replied with a small smile.

"It's okay... No matter what happen, I will not give up on our relationship. I will continue to fight for our relationship until they accept." I said.

"Then we will fight together." Mina said and I nodded.

I then changed the topic so that she won't feel so upset.

After chatting with her for a few minutes, I hugged her and she hugged me back.

We then spend our night in the secret garden and she fell asleep accidentally.

I carried her into a room and laid her down.

After that, I went to my room and rest.


Boring chapter...
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