1: The Day that Changed Everything

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Dedicated to:

...this is her plot after all 😚💜


"Seriously? Right in front of my very eyes Jimin?" you blurted out when you saw your boyfriend eyeing the inappropriately short skirt of that one girl that conveniently walked in front of the both of you.

You were having lunch by the bleachers with Jimin, the usual routine you do since you both have different schedules, lunch break was the only time you could see each other since Jimin would always have to stay after school due to his league.

Seeing him look at other girls made you upset, you're his girlfriend after all and he should only be looking at you.

You sighed, but of course you couldn't blame him, he's a guy in spite all of it, he's a hungry predator looking for a pray and you wearing that hoodie and sweatpants was not gonna make his eyes chase after you.

Somehow you knew he was slipping away, and it's slowly breaking you inside.

Your third year anniversary was coming around the corner and you've already prepared something for it.

You wonder if he'll remember.

"You should wear something like those baby, I bet it'll look good on you," Jimin suddenly said beside you as he munched on the sandwich you made for him.

You looked at him sharply.

You didn't know what happened to him.

He used to the sweetest person on earth, always showing you how much he cares for you, always randomly whispering I love yous when you least expect it.

He would always bring you a single red rose every day, reminding you of his affection for you.

Those sweet little actions of him caught your heart and you fell in love.

He was the same sweet boyfriend until he joined that cursed soccer league on your second year of college. And he slowly changed into someone you didn't even know anymore.

He spent more time with his soccer-mates, spending longer hours at your college even after classes, it's not that you didn't trust him anymore, but the way you see his friends on that soccer team—, all of them were jerk, players, fuck boys, and you're afraid that your Jimin was slowly becoming one.

"You should wear something like those baby, I bet it'll look good on you."

You bit on your lower lip when he said those words to you as you stared at him, but he was too focused on other things he didn't noticed you.

He knew how you were used to wearing baggy clothes, the ones that would cover most of your body, he knew how you felt insecure at times whenever your parents would tell you to dress differently and be more feminine.

He should know, he's the one that used to comfort you after all.

But that was before.

Now he's the one telling you those things and it somehow hurt you more.

"Then why don't you make her your girlfriend instead?" you spat out standing up.

"Whoa—whoa Y/N baby, sorry, I didn't mean it that way."
"Whatever, go to those girls with short skirts."

And you rushed your way to the building up to the rooftop.

You stared at the vast scenery of the city below, letting the warm breeze of summer touch your exposed skin, you closed you eyes.

How did things turned out this way?

"Sorry~," a voice from behind said and you felt his strong familiar arms around your waist as he hugged you from the back. "Forgive me?" Jimin mumbled on the skin of your neck before kissing you there.

There he goes again, making you weak through his touch and kisses, his sweet actions were always the ones that would make your heart flutter, and he knows it.

Before you even know it, you were looking at him as he flashed that cute innocent smile you couldn't resist.

"I'll treat you to dinner tonight as a peace offering," Jimin offered wrapping his arms around your waist and swaying your bodies back and forth, "please," he pouted.


"Yes!" he kissed you on the cheeks really quick and you squeal placing your hand on your flushed cheeks.

"One point for Park Jimin!" he screamed waving his arms in the air for victory as he ran towards the door, "see you later baby~." He waved at you in time for the bell to rang throughout the campus signaling the end of lunch break.

You couldn't help but to giggle as you walked back to class.

- - -

You waited outside the gates for Jimin, excited for the dinner he promise, but it was already thirty minutes since the classes ended and Jimin was still nowhere to be seen.

You started to get worried, soon forty minutes had passed but still no sign of him.

You dialed his number waited impatiently until the ringing stopped and his familiar voice answered.


"Y/N, why are you calling? Is there somethi—," there was silence for a few seconds on the other line as if he just froze, "Ssssshit! Oh Y/N! I'm so sorry I forgot the dinner; I'm with my boys right now. They literally dragged me I'm sorry, maybe we could schedule it next time?"

"Oh—Okay," was all you said lousily before hanging up.


You waited days for Jimin to reschedule your so called dinner date, but as usual he forgot his promise, always spending his time after classes with his cool group of friends.

So there you were walking your way home all alone in a dim lit street of your neighborhood, kicking on the lone rocks getting in your way.

"What did that poor little rock ever did to you?" a man's voice suddenly emerged out of nowhere and your head quickly lifted up to see a familiar face in front of you.

You saw him with Jimin several times, you were positive he's one of the boys on the soccer league.

Something about the way he slowly walked over to you made your knees weak, you stepped back whenever the guy stepped forward.

"Why do you look so afraid sweetheart? I'm not gonna bite," he chuckled and shivers ran through your skin.

His steps were bigger than yours and soon he was close to you towering your small frame.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Kim Seokjin," he smirked reaching his hands to you, and when you didn't move a muscle, he gripped on your wrist pulling your body against him.

"And you're going to be mine tonight," he whispered on your ear.


First ever Jimin Fanfictiooooooon!

I hope this one would turn out well xD

This is my very first ever fanfic where Jungkook isn't the main lead, I'm excited. I hope you guys would support this story as well!

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