4: Model

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He looked at you with such intense gaze and you gulped from where you kneeling.

He bit on his lower lips and licked it as he never let his eyes off you on the floor.

And then he started to walk towards you with that known smirk on his undeniably handsome features and you immediately stood up and extended your arm to stop him.

"Woah there, where do you think you're going?" You bellowed under your breath.

He chuckled throwing his head to the back and then looked back at you with his chilling dark orbs.

"Noona, it's break time already, see? People are leaving," he pointed at your back where the other staff were already leaving their places to get something to eat. "Didn't you hear the director calling for break?"

You scoffed, placing your camera to the side, "I h-heard him, of course," but the guy in front of you was not convinced at all.

"You were too focused on me that you lost track of everything didn't you," he smirked as he leaned closer to your flushed face and he wet his lips just to make you even more red, "you're blushing Noona."

"Jeon Jungkook get away from me, people might get the wrong idea you fetus!"

"So should we make that wrong idea, a right idea?"

"What the f—."

"Jungkook stop teasing Y/N, come over and take a look at your shots," the director called Jungkook and you finally let out a breath you didn't realized you were holding.

"Hahaha, see you later Noona," and then he winked at you before leaving.

"He's so—," you sighed shaking your head in disbelief.


After a long day at work, you threw your body on the bed and stared blankly at the ceiling of your apartment.

Everything was silent and a chill ran down your spine as you remembered that cursed scene in your head.

"Ugh—!" You lay into a ball on the matress as you hugged your knees to your chest.

It has almost been four years since that day happened yet there were still times that you would suddenly space out and remember it like it was just yesterday.

You didn't tell a single soul about that, frightened of the consinquences that he would face if you'd tell anyone.

And you transferred schools without any notice, and you were more than thankful that your parents were supportive of your abrupt decision.


After all, your decisions were still based on him, on how he would not get affected badly by your actions.

After all these years, you didn't regret your decision of leaving your school for his sake since you've heard he actually graduated with honors and that made you so happy.

You haven't heard his name for years now and it's a bit weird to even say it, but you couldn't deny the fact that there were still those odd times on the day that you would remember him.

He's your first love after all.

That's why you always keep yourself busy, so that you would stop thinking about things and just be occupied by job as a photographer.

But at times like this when you're all alone in your apartment, the silence creeping inside you, the coolness of the night devours you.

You couldn't help but to overthink.

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